Sweet.... Little Girls....
All Three of them. <3
Callie.... and her Darlings... brought me... such Beautiful... Gifts.
oh my.
{My Favorite... Quote.... : ) }
They... are Such... Beautiful... Gifts.
I met Callie, when she was searching for her Wedding Props....
Then.... she and her Mom... came to the rabbit hole... when she was 'expecting'....
yes... what a Gift... it has been.... to see Callie's Family... Grow.
<3 <3 <3
{Callie brings the Old Hatter.... her Amazing Home Grown... Canned.... Goods. : )
oh my... : )
what a Gift, she is. <3 |
I can't begin....to tell you... how Blessed I am.
There were so many.... Angels... 'Hovering'.... over us... this weekend.
oh my....
I could list them....all....
but... it wouldn't matter.
me.... and God.... know who they are.
we don't.. forget.
I haven't had a bath.... for a week.
{I'm sure.... many... know that... : ) but... they don't seem to care.
They love me... anyway. : )
'Stink' and all. : ) }
I am...so far... beyond... exhausted.....
: )
on every... single... level.
Mark and I.... just got all of the books... done.
They took.... hours...
Cindy and Tom... oh my.... May God Bless Them.... had them put together....
but... we had to go over them... and get everyone.... covered.
This was another... long.... day. : )
I have an empty... truck... that has to be loaded... and on the road... tomorrow.
I have no... idea.... how in the World... I'm going to make that happen.
: )
I will.
: )
When.... I decided, to go ahead... with The Memorial Day.... sale....
I knew... I'd have to put... all emotions...aside.
I...am blessed...somehow... with that ability.
Maybe... mostly... because... I have no choice.
{John, understood that... too. : ) He... had to 'work'... so hard... through so many hardships... throughout his life.
Debilitating... hardships.
{we had no choice... but to work. The bills... keep rolling in...no matter. }
but.... then... in the 'quiet'... when the doors close... at the end... of the day... out of the 'eye'.... : )
that's when we 'melt'.
get.... very.... quiet....
gather strength...
for the next day.
: )
oh my.
: )
We... know... we have to Get 'er... done.
and...we do.
: )
I'm so very Blessed... to have 'The Angels'.
I remember... sharing them...with John....
I'll Never... forget... his... emotion... when I told him... about them...
I remember... his chin... quivering.... as I shared... The Love... we were so Blessed... to have around us.... during the Darkest... days.
oh my...
oh... my.
I was so Proud... of myself... this weekend....
I never... 'lost' it... for a moment.
I did.... once.
There was a 'couple'.... that beat me down...to the ground....
Everything.... I shot them a price on.... {4 dollar yardsticks... and something else...that was under 10 dollars....}
were Way Too Much....
They... kind of... had a fit.
{I...honestly felt....like... they spit... in my face. }
They had a lid...too... for an old boiler in their hands.....
after their reaction... to the other pieces....
I told them... to just take that.... for free.
I... knew.... they wouldn't find that... priced too high.
They took it.... and walked away.
I...was so... shook.... I broke down... and cried....
but then... pulled myself... back... up... again.
{Thanks... to an Angel... who was standing next to me. : ) }
oh my.
He had a handful of old photographs....
I was so bewildered...by the conversation... prior....
I asked him... to.... name his price..... because... I knew.... he'd treat me fair.
He did... and... was.
: )
oh my.
: )
I'm tired... gotta hit the hay.
I will... Thank... Everyone.... soon.
Liz.... Justin... Brandon... Bud.... Mark....Sarah... Cindy... Barry...Kate... Sue... Tom... Tom...Tom... Cathy....Katie.... Justin 'J'... Scarlett...
Steven... Brenton...Barry... Roxie....Vikki.... Wanda... Terry... Dale...Allyson...
Jo {for the Treats. <3 }
Lynn... Lea.... Marion...Kevin...David...Gail....Roger... Jay....Pam....
<3 <3 <3
{Brutie... Sweetie... Polly.... and Scout... who keep us all... 'grounded'... <3 }
Thanks.... so Much... to All.. who came by... that were here... a year ago,
and just wanted to give me a squeeze.
May God Bless.... You.
oh my.
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
{I'll never forget... B.J. and Gayle... coming out... this time.. last year.... and helping us.. pack up.
{Loads..... oh my... }
Along with Peg's Girls.... oh my.... no... we don't forget...
'Kindness'. }
Love You.
{if I seem a bit... 'round the bend... tonight... : )
I am. : )
I'll be back... soon. : ) }