The Load of Gnarly Concrete...
is History....
: )
I did a little Wheelin' and Dealin'...
Loaded the Ford... with all Sorts... of Old...Soulfulness...
and put a little my pocket.... in Trade. : )
{I'll take all of that... I can get. : ) }
{there is More... much More... than these images....
Some will be in The Shop... this weekend...
will be at The Midwest Show... This Sunday. }
This... Little Lady....
is a Vintage Store Display....
She is... Darling...
and seemed Perfect... for Fall... and The Show... on Sunday.
Beside her, are two.... mid 1800's Floorcloths...
The one... with the Ribbon on it... was a Beautiful Gift... from Dear Friends... Lois, and Sherry....
It will be used for Display... at The Midwest Show... <3
The Other... is also... Incredible...
I...Love the Feel... Texture... and Color... of these...
That one.. will be for sale... at The Show. : ) |
Older Than Dirt....
Sweeter Than... Pie. : )
This Mid 1800's Iowa Jelly Cupboard....
Has Plank Doors...
Is all...Square Nailed...
The Old Hand Carved...Turn Knobs... are so Beautifully Worn....
: )
it was the teeny... tiny... drawer.... on the top...
That Stole my Heart Away!
This Old Darling.... will be in the Shop... Saturday.
Open...11 'til 4. : ) |
I'm still cleaning...on These Beauties... : )
They came from The World Theater... in Cedar Rapids, Iowa....
They are... very Old... and Wonderful.
There are two pair...
and hinged... to swing open....
The Color.... is perfect...for Fall....
The Backs... are painted Old...Lavender...
: )
Perfect... for Spring!
These will be at The Midwest Show... this Sunday....
{Along with a Whole... Bunch... More!!! }
See ya There!
Love... to Ya...
Barb C.
{you can also find me... on 'Muchnuss'... the home page... at the top right. } |
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