John's Breakfast....
The Dietitian, at The Radiology Dept. was giving me pointers...
on what to cook.... for him... : )
If there is one thing I know.... is how to cook....
and cook.... for a Working Man.....
{He'll not go hungry.... around here... : ) }
Miss. Scarlett...came to visit... and spent the night... : )
When at Gram's.... she can sleep in her clothes....
eat what she wants.... where she wants.....
when... she wants... : )
Sleep in.... or...not....
watch cartoons... in Bed.....
or... have my undivided attention... while she performs... her latest Musical Performances... : )
Do...I 'spoil' her....
why.... yes.
and Love.... every Moment... of it. : )
Scarlett learned her Dainty eating habits... from... Your's Truly... Cinnamon Toast... on a Fork.... Why Not? : ) {for the record.... only She.... eats in my bed...... Polly was begging for bacon.....from her... in bed.... as I was washing dishes.... I heard Scarlett's little voice say... "No POLLY!!!! You Eat In The Kitchen!!! Go! Go! Go!!!" Polly did... begrudgingly.... she came walking the kitchen......... where she got Her...Very Own... Bacon...and Eggs.... : ) {No, Lynn.... not Your Bacon.... : ) Only John.... gets Your Bacon.... : ) } |
John bailed on the John Deere.... Saturday.... He stopped, several times.... and rested..... but... it was Great..... seeing him... get out... in the Sun..... He was exhausted...... but... a Good... Exhausted..... Today.... he's been in a 'mood'..... I...worry.... about that..... After I got my work done.... this afternoon.... brought him his Fave... from D.Q. that he ate only half of..... I asked him... if he'd like to go, sit outside.... for a while.... It was so.... Beautiful.... The Answer was... "NO!!!" : ) so... I stayed in.... with him.... watching Perry Mason..... oh my... One day... at a time... : )
I picked up.... three BIG Truck Loads.... of Gnarly.... Grungy.... Mossy..... New...Old Stock Concrete Statuary.... this Morn.... oh my... {my hands.... hurt so bad...tonight.... as does the rest of my body.... holy smokes....I don't want to know.... how many Tons.... of concrete.... my Friend, and I loaded....and unloaded today..... I truly... don't. } It's an amazing.... Group. I hope... to have enough for Gold Rush, next weekend at the Fairgrounds, in Rochester, MN. and... The Memorial Day Weekend Sale.... here, down the rabbit hole... the end of the month.... I'm trying to figure out.... how.... I can drive the Ford.... and the FUSO.... at the same time..... oh my.... If... I thought The FUSO.... had enough 'butt'.... I'd put a hitch on him.... and pull the trailer.... but.... with his little 4 cylinder Mitsubishi Diesel... pulling the load.... I rack and stack.... on him.... he doesn't have.... anymore to give.... <3 : ) {on hills.... I feel like I need to get out...and push it is... : ) } Peg.... is still.... so short of breath.... they are trying to figure that out.... {No Worries!!! There is No cancer!!! Keep Those Wings Pounding!!! : ) : ) : ) } I'll be posting more images... of this Beautiful.... Beautiful.... Old Stock..... {there is little left.... for me to retrieve.... so.... come soon.... to gather.... } I have some.... BIG Pieces.... coming for the Memorial Day Weekend Sale.... : ) Don't Miss It!

Supper Time.... : ) What a Beautiful....Gift.... Having a Soul... So Happy to See Me. yeah... a Beautiful.... Gift. ya.... Barb C. |
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