oh my....
What a day...
what a birthday....
It was a Long... Long.... Day....
A perfect birthday, for me...
is driving down the highway....
or... walking through antique shops.... or antiquing events...
basically.... my gift...to myself...is Freedom...to do... what I choose....
for that day....
guilt free...
Today... very little of it.... was that.
It wouldn't have been.... no matter...
had I not been running hard... I would have been loading the truck....
tomorrow... I'll be loading the truck.
oh boy!
I did...get to spend a little time... with a Dear... Old Friend....
The '75 Trans Am.
He and I.... have had some Fun Times..... together.....
oh my....
I haven't seen it... or touched it.... for years....
He was my 'driver'... back in the day....
the 80's....
It was heartbreaking...seeing it... this morn....
Seeing it.... so... forlorn....
it reminded me.... how difficult... the last, many years have been... on us all...
and how time... stands still... for no one.
It simply... had to come Home.....
Getting it out...of where it was stored.... was a trick... oh my.
Thanks to Eddie... Justin and Brandon....
He's Home...tonight....
I was Blessed... on my Insanely.... Busy Day....
to share a few moments... with Dear Friends...
Pattie...and the Fern Hill Gals.... : )
Pal, Val.... and Mark.
The entire day... was little more.... than a Fast Paced....Blur....
across the board....
Brandon and I...cleaned the Barn... to make room for the TA... while waiting for the Car Hauler.....
I...kept Scout...from Helping Us... too much... {He...is a Pistol... : ) }
Got John to his appointments.... Good News.... Everything is going Very Well... : )
{Thanks so Much...for the Continued Prayers... : ) : ) : ) }
I was such a Mess.... I wonder... what the Dr.'s must think....
I ran out the door so fast this morn.... tied my hair, in a knot... didn't brush my teeth.... or wash my face....
{oh dear... }
I smell like an old Barn.... Horse.... Dogs....and Cigarettes....
never had time... all day.... to get cleaned up....
Run! Run! Run!
run...some more.
I have a sink...full of dirty dishes.... they will wait, 'til morning....
I... am tired....
very... very... tired....
the Trans Am.... and I...
make a very good.... pair.
Love to ya...
Barb C.
{Yeah... I probably...have a little Coon Poop... on me... too... }
Barbara-when I was a young mom I had a plaque that fits you today.Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow because baby's grow up we've learned to our sorrow. So quiet down cobwebs, ust go to sleep, I'm rocking my baby and baby's don't keep. Think of this with your life instead of baby's and it's you---the cleaning and scrubbing will be there--BARBARA won't be if she doesn't take Barbara time! Love you kiddo--take some time for Barbara and feel free to ask for a helping hand from friends (myself included) if you need/want me to come do dishes I'm there in a heartbeat--if I knew your house was obtainable in your absence I'd be there doing them like the house fairy without your permission! YES I'M SERIOUS-just call!
Have I told you... lately...
That I Love You...? : )
I truly... truly... do.
What a Blessing You are... in my Life...
A Heaven Sent... Gift.
Love ya... and.... no...worries.
Barb C.
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