Sweet Renate, from Cedar Falls, brought a friend, and her darling daughters to the shop, today... It was great seeing them... The girls, are into Gnarly Painted stuff... {and they both are under 15... who says young folks don't like Antiques! Cool Young Folks do!} We had a great visit... then, back to quilt duty.... The Big Beautiful Wardrobe, that holds many of them, has found a new, loving home... so I'm taring the entire back of the shop apart, as well as the back greenhouse....{remember... you move one tiny thing...you move a hundred... a thousand, when it comes to removing an entire wall...it had to be done, anyway... I have to get these cupboards in....} it all needs to be done, in less than a week.... I have one, Big Daddy Cupboard coming in, and another, good sized one, after that.... oh dear... A friend is bringing some newer Country Christmas Decor, to do the back greenhouse... it should be very cool... and very reasonable.... he wants to find a new home for it....I said I'd help him, any way I can.... I think I'm going to do a Quilt Table, in the back greenhouse... as well... I've been sorting and sorting.... Peg is coming in on Tuesday... probably a good thing.... I think I have bronchitis....It's getting more and more difficult to breathe... and not much seems to help...I feel like I have a knife, twisting in my back...I hate getting sick....I simply don't have time for it....
I'm hoping to get all the cupboards moved tomorrow, then, reset, Monday...Tare into the back greenhouse, Tuesday....{so much for getting my tree up, in the house, next week....oh well... I'll do it, the following week...I only have to deliver a cupboard, one day, the following week...oh dear....}
I'm headed to rest...
Hope everyone has a great Sunday...
Early, early quilt... love the colors... it has wear around it's border... but...when I get as old, as this old Darling... I'm afraid I'm gonna look lots worse....

I have one Rooster Canister left....

Quilts and Quilts!

I picked these wonderful, old, old ...{1800's to early 1900's} etched goblets,{ with a few various etched designs...all lovely...} a couple of weeks ago... around 30 of them...I just brought them in, today... I use this style, in the house... they are very tuff, yet elegant...they look beautiful serving anything...from wine, to milk!....Like 'em!

Huge spool of cording... Like it!

Cast Iron Windmill Weight... as found...wonderful....

Barb C.
Oh you had to do it... post that photo of that brown/tan quilt! It is lovely. Oh how I wish I could be there next weekend!!
Hey Kay...
You can come, anytime...That quilt is on hold, for a couple of days... If you see anything you would like...just ring me, or e-mail... {phone is quicker...} if it doesn't go, I'll let ya know!
Take Care... Hope you had an Amazing Thanksgiving!
Barb C.
Hi Barb...I had to search for this older post of yours. I remember falling in love with the rooster cannister -- thinking how I had never seen anything like this before----and adding this to my wishlist.
Today -- I found a set of three at auction for $40.00. Was that a good price?? the middle size cannister will need the rooster's comb reglued -- but other than that, they are quite perfect.
Thanks for the ispiration in November.
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