Saturday, March 22, 2025

Bob Seger- Turn the Page

Turn... The Page.

This... Day, didn't go as planned, either.
{I'm... Not, Not... Not... a Cat Herder. : ) }

Won't get into Details, but...
this down time, today...
gave me a chance to go through 
Over 4,000 images.
Didn't get through each, and every single one, yet.
Thought my phone, had lost... many, when it went down a few months ago.
: (
turns out...
The Images were Saved...

The above image... was captured, as I sat at my laptop, in our Kitchen.
Long, Long... ago.
I'd just learned... of a Young Man's... {Kid} who was a Friend of our Son's...
Mother, being killed... while turning into her driveway..
by, someone....
I'd heard, was texting, instead of driving.
: (

Yes, after every 'Show', driving Home...
I think of 
Bob Seger...
'Turn the Page'.
; )

Livin' The Dream.
<3 <3 <3 

No Matter.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

Friday, March 21, 2025

Once Upon a Time in the West - two too many

The Everly Brothers - Wake Up Little Susie ( 1957 )

Herdin' Cats.

; )

That's the way This Day, has felt.
Seems, trying to get Folks All on One Schedule, well...
: )
is, pretty much like...
 Herding Cats!
: )

This Day, didn't go anywhere close to 
'As Planned'.
threw in the towel a bit early.
: )
As Scarlett, said... 
{Gone With The Wind}
"I'll think about that tomorrow...
after all,
Tomorrow Is....
Another Day."

; )

Dear... Minnesota Pal, Rhonda {Douglas}... 
posted the below today.
Cracked Me Up!!
; )
Had to send it on to Dear Friend, Gail.
: ) : ) : )

: )
Seems, more and more...
speakin' for myself,
; )
 Easier... and Easier. 
; )

oh... dear.

Rhonda... posted the one above, too, today.
{I've been Blessed to meet some Very Cool Folks over this 'Old Souls' Journey.
Antiques... and 'Junk'. : ) <3}

Had to cancel the Road Trip... with Pal, Allyson... and Friends, tomorrow.
Way Too Much... yet, to 'Button Up'.
Waaaaaay Too Many Cat's to Herd!!
; )

Southern Iowa... Kelly, who I bought the Huge Load from, yesterday...
texted me this morning... bright and early, wondering if we'd made it Home.
: )
I should've let Kelly know, last night.
Thanked Kelly, and his 'Crew'... for Their Help.
 Assured Kelly, 
Thanks to Him, and those Extra Ratchets, The Ford was Still...
 Loaded Tight as a Drum at Home, in the drive.
: )
{That Ford... Could Fly to The Moon, The Way Kelly, and His Family.... Stacked... Racked... Packed, and...
Tied Down.
: )
Not... any of our 'First Rodeo's Loadin' a Truck.}
Dear Lord.
; )

Chicago... Ray, called this morning.
Had a Long Chat.
: )

Received a message from Lawyer, Josey Wales, this morning.
as well.
{Charles Meardon}

Josey Wales, has Top Priority... when the phone rings.
or... a text is received.

'The Rule of Law'

Everyone I know, 'Right/Left'...
Understands that. 
They'd Better, because... 
'The Rule of Law' is Lost, 
is America, and...

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Beverly Hillbillies Theme Song

Road Trip. : )

Picked up a Nice... Load of 'Garden'... and Vintage 'Treasures' for 
The Rabbit Hole...
Junk Jubilee.
{March 28 - 30...
The Fairgrounds, in Des Moines!!}

Pal, Dale... rode Shotgun.
: )
He Almost... had to walk home.
{The Ford's Cab... was Packed Tight... Too!!}
: ) 
Poor Dale, was Wrapped in a Fabulous Early...
Room Size... Vintage Rug.
: ) : ) : )
had enough room, to Grab Gears, and Shift The Ford.
: )

We Had Great Fun...
; )

Teeny... Tiny... Snippets of The 'Honey Hole'.
; )

Oh... my.
; )

I remember... John telling me Years ago...
when I'd come Rollin' in at Home, with a 'Load', 
all he could say... while smokin' a Lucky, and shaking his head...
as me, and The Ford rounded the West Cemetery Road, and... Stallman Drive corner,
"The Gypsy's Home."

; )

; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

{Thanks So Much to Southern Iowa Pals, for helping Load,
 and loaning me a few more ratchet straps.}
; )

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Smokey and the Bandit Trans Am Introduction. The Start of my own Obsessi...

'Cause the Snowman is coming through!

Yep... When Time's are Tuff. ; )

When Time's Are Tuff...
Ya Find Out...
Your Friends Are.
; )
Who Has Your Back.
: )
{and... 'who' holds the knife. : ( }

Loved Seeing The Massive Twin Corner Cupboard post, 'memory'...
pop up, 
{Please excuse my spelling, and insane punctuation. 
; )
 Some Things... will Never Change.
 After all... I left school, 'early'.
 : ) 
no regrets.}
Those Amazing...
Corner Cupboards...
oh my.
They Were Stunning.

were, a bit awkward, and... heavy, too.

So Grateful... for Stephanie Walsh Brandenburg.
She and I... are Irish, and... quite stubborn.
: )
At times, I see Steph as my Sister, other times, as my Niece.
Patti Walsh Bailey, Steph's Mom, is like a Sister, to me.
Love Them Both...

We Simply Have to Keep Moving Forward, and...
Shoot for The Moon.
; )

Love to Ya.

Barb C.

{Nephew... Billy, called tonight. 
We're talkin' about a trip to Ireland.
oh my.
I've never in my life... wanted to leave America, 'Iowa'... 'Home'...
 to 'see'
The Conner's Came From!!}
: )

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Hank Snow "I'm Movin' On" Live 1958 CAPTIONED

Keep It Movin'.

<3 <3 <3 

Spent this day... after Soakin' in a Long... Hot, Hot...
Bubble Bath, 
Movin' Mountains.
: )
Folk's picked up Big Purchases, from Amana, today.
The Fridge, Freezer... Cub Cadet, then...
me, and Bill... delivered The Amazing German Workbench, to a Lovely Home, Filled with Amazing Antiques, in North Liberty, Iowa.
; )

I...was a bit nervous about moving the Workbench, again.
One wrong twist, like before... oh, my.
; )
Thankfully... Son, Justin... and Justin J... were picking things up, today...
; )
Asked them, if they'd put it on The Ford, for me...and Bill.
: )
They Very Kindly...
; )
We Lucked Out... Again, at North Liberty.
; )
Two Young Dudes, from next door... to the Home we were delivering, 
saw me and Bill... slide the Heavy, Heavy... Bench Top off of The Ford, and... asked of we could use a hand.
: )
We Sure as Heck Wouldn't Turn 'em Away!
We 'Coffin Carried' the Top.
Two on each side...
Didn't even need the Dolly.
; )

Flood of 2019 in Fairfax.
It flooded all around us.

Guess where It Didn't?
 Never Had...
The Highway 151 IDOT/Fairfax, Iowa... Bike Trail Project.

T. R. O. U. B. L. E.
: ( : ( : (
We're in a Bowl... Now.
Now, it'll be interesting to sadly See, what Hall & Hall's {Fairfax}... Does to Us, and... 
our Neighbors with The West Cemetery Road/Bridge/Bike Trail...
22 foot bridge replacement, that Hall & Hall designed nearly THREE TIMES as Long and Wide, Multiple Million's of Dollars, will be spent on replacing that tiny, barely... used, at best... a couple hundred vehicles a day, utilize it, but... Hey, it's Only Our Money.
: )
{Some seem to FORGET Where 'Free Government Money' Comes From.
It's NOT... FREE.
Makes Me Sick.
Our Recorded Agreement, with The Iowa Department of Transportation, 
concerning the Highway 151 Bridge
wouldn't have been, Breached, 
It All Ties Together.
West Cemetery... and 151.
oh my.
: (
Million's of Dollars would've been Saved, and.... our Home, and Property wouldn't have Flooded
Again, and Again... Again...
In Drought Years.
: (................ 
Had... I simply been told The TRUTH, by Fairfax, and IDOT District 6... in the beginning.
: (...................
Thank God for Lawyer Meardon.

Shortly after my first meeting, with Lawyer {Charles} Meardon, I shared some information... I'd gathered from a very kind man, at the Iowa Department of Transportation District 6.
: )
Charles asked his name.
I, really... didn't want to share his name.
I was in fear, that... he'd been so helpful, and kind...
 {knowing how IDOT 'Wasn't' with us, in the 1990's Condemnation of our Land. Learned MUCH, about IDOT, back then. : (}
I... didn't want that Kind Man, to be in any kind of jeopardy concerning his job, for helping me so.

leaned back in his chair, and gave me some wonderful...

Oh...My God.
: (
When Charles.... pointed out some records, with the 'Kind' man's... name, and His Words...
 All Over Them, 
oh my.
: ( : ( : (
I'd Been Played.
Big Time.
: (
I wanted to vomit.
: ( : ( : (
: (


when I say,
The Department of Transportation, or... a City/County Official comes knockin' on your door, 
with a Big Smile, Promises and... Best Offers.
; )

Smile back.
; )
{bless their hearts}
; )

Close the door.
Call a Lawyer.
A Damned Good One.
; )
in my opinion...
You're Gonna Need One.
; )

Happy 15th. Birthday to Miss. Scarlett Belle.
<3 <3 <3 

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

Monday, March 17, 2025

Seven Drunken Nights

Happy St. Patrick's Day.... and Night, to All!! ; )

<3 <3 <3 
Love... Love... Love
; )

Spent This Fabulous St. Patrick's Day...
Don't feel a bit guilty about it... either!!
; )

Looked at Fairfax's March 2025 City Council Meeting.
{the camera... actually worked. : ) }
They snuck in about 75 drawings concerning the West Cemetery Road Bridge, project.
; )
what a mess.
: (
had to 
 Lawyer Meardon, 

Without 'Josey Wales' this Fairfax, Iowa 'Bridge' 'Bike Trail'...
 Project would've looked, Much Different, and DID. 

Big Time.
 He Stepped In.
Yet Again.
: (

First, Fairfax's Long Time... Decades Long, Hired 'Engineer' Hall & Hall Engineering 'Plans'... 
The City 'Taking'
 The Rabbit Hole.
My Store.
: (.......
Taking Stallman Drive Straight Through It.
: (..........
Our Huge... Barn.
Scout's Barn.
: (...............
to replace a 22 foot bridge, over a tiny stream, that runs through our Land.
I Do Believe, 'Many' Understand 'why'...
West Cemetery Road, needs to be realigned.
; )
Has nothing to do... with, what, in my opinion... Fairfax, is trying to
: (..........

We'll See.
; )

{Hall & Hall Engineering}
has moved their 'plans', far away... North.
{appears to have. we'll see, with their 'Finished' Project.}
Won't be touching me, not even for a temporary easement.
{Make No Mistake... I'm Worried Sick about The Elevations, and The Bowl, Fairfax,
 and IDOT Put Us In...
Wrongfully... in my opinion,
Fairfax, Iowa... 'bike trails'
bless their hearts.
: (
Wonder How High... Hall & Hall... 
 West Cemetery Road Bridge??}
: (

From what I've been told, at recorded meetings, tho... The Council hasn't yet Voted for a Bike Trail... under the New triple size West Cemetery Road Bridge...  Hall & Hall Design, Hall & Hall will be Building That Tiny Bridge to Suit a Bike Trail, on and Under The West Cemetery Road Bridge that... Connects to The Highway 151 Bridge.
Just, Wow.
: (

On a Happy Note!!!
The New Owner of the Mid 1800's Amana Wardrobe, saw my post.
Oh Dear Lord!!!
I was Heartsick... thinking That Key, and... Beautiful...
Handmade, Walnut... {Native Lumber} Amana Wardrobe, from the mid 1800's
It's Key.
{We pulled the Key, so it wouldn't be lost, or taken. 
We were so Busy.. packing Clocks for travel, when The Beautiful... Wardrobe sold.}

The Key...
will be 
Reunited, tomorrow.
<3 <3 <3 

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

{wrote Lawyer Meardon, today... that, it might not be 'Correct', the way I think.
I'm Grateful, Beyond...
have a
Fighting Fairfax, and IDOT...
Holy Smokes.}
; )

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Willie Nelson - The Party Is Over

The 'Amana'... Party's Over. Thanks... So Much!!

Thanks So Much... to Everyone Who Attended
The Amana, Iowa... Estate Sale.
Thanks... So Much, to Everyone who Shared The Sale, and a Huge Thanks...
to Pal, Dale Frese, and Grandson... Justin, for HELPING SO MUCH!!
; )

The Sale... was Over The Top!!
We Sold Down to The Walls!!
The Beautiful Ford, Sold... today, as well.
; )

Will be a very easy closing.
; )
I'm taking tomorrow...

St. Patrick's Day.
; )

Son, Justin... turns The Big 40, tomorrow.
Spoke with him this evening...
told Justin,
 I... just can't understand how he could Possibly be turning 40,
when his Mom is only 39.
: )
Everyone... Got a Big Laugh, outta That One.
; )

The Beautiful Amana Wardrobe, Sold... Today.
The New Owner's didn't get the Original Key.
: (
We believe they are from Amana.
If... anyone knows Who... bought the Beauty, let them know...
I have The Key!!

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

50% OFF Sunday 3/16!!!!! Amana, Iowa... Estate Sale!! Come Scoop Up The Deals!!

Updated 3/16

50% Off Most Everything Today!! 
{entrance order numbers 
 at 8:30 a.m.}
We'll be 'Bundling' from 2-6!!
One Bundle... One Money!!
Don't Miss Out on The Deals!! 

Updated 3/14.

Great Day Two... in Amana!!
; )
: )

There's TON'S of Lovely... 'Furnishings'!! Household... Full Size Canopy Bed... Dresser,  an AMAZING  late 1800's Amana Wardrobe... Beautiful Grandfather, and Regulator Clocks, that... Run Perfectly. <3  Natuzzi Leather Sofa, Settee, Chair... and Ottoman, 
Antique Tables... and Chairs, Tools... The Cub Cadet Mower, {WOW!!}
Tools, Garden Supplies... Hardware... Oh My!!
: )
25% OFF 3/15!!
Oh Boy!!!
: )

{The Beautiful {Lovingly Spoiled <3} 2001 Ford F-150 is not included in the discounts. 
: )
We're taking Sealed Bids thru 3/16, to be opened at 6 p.m. on 3/16.
{unless it Sells for the asking price, 9,500. before.}
The Family will decide, to 'accept' or 'decline'... the 'Sealed Bids' at that time.}

Somehow... I have a feeling, 25% Off Day, at The Amana Estate Sale, is Gonna be Busy.
: )
oh... dear.

La Porte City, Iowa... Keg, along with two early Amana, Iowa... Wine Siphons,
in 'The Shed', today.
: )
oh... my.
Thanks, to Pal, Dale... and Grandson, Justin.

: )

Make Plans To Attend.

Estate Sale.
; )

Day One.
: )

Folk's were waiting when me, and Jethro... arrived, about 7 a.m.
God Love 'em!!

We had a Great...
 Day One.
There's MUCH Available.
; )

The Best Workbench... I've ever seen, is no longer available.
It... went to The Perfect Home.
It's Gonna be a 'Bar'.
; )
; )

Captured the above image of The Garage, tonight... as Bill... Tucked Everything...
: )

I was too tired to stroll back through The 'Estate', when we closed... around... 7.

Here's what I know.
The German Workbench is Sold.
One... of the Early... Pie Safe's... is Sold.
The Round... Coffee Table, is... Sold.
a lot...
Make No Mistake, 
There's a BUNCH...
; )

{That Ford Truck... oh my.
; )
Price a New... Ford F-150.
4x4 SuperCrew.
; )
That'll Make Your Eyes...
: )

We priced The Ford at 9500. or Best Offer, unless it sells before 3/16.
We'll open the Sealed Bids, Sunday... 3/16, should The Ford... not sell at asking price.
Certainly... not guaranteeing any of the bids will be accepted,
: )

This... Ford, is... Quite a Truck.
; )
It Was Loved.
'Get That'
: )