I tend to get a little Stir Crazy...
after being down...for so long.
Today, I spent most of the time, doing...very, little.
Still get winded, pretty easy...so, even phone conversations can be too much.
: (
I deleted over 6000 e-mails....from my laptop. : )
I'm sure...It's Breathing Better!
I, don't like e-mail...or, texting.
I, don't like 'Mail'...of any kind.
I prefer Face to Face, or...a Phone Call. : )
I, will say, over the last few years, I have been Very Blessed, by Lovely Cards, and Letters.
So Many...Wonderful, e-mails.
I saved...Many, today.
<3 <3 <3
Some, were difficult to read...from difficult, times.
I also....played with the camera on my phone. In hopes....I could learn more about it, and capture better images.
: )
Oh Dear.
I posted the ones below....
and...asked my FB Friends, which one, they preferred.
Guess...I'll Never Make It as a Photographer!!!
They most, all...liked the Brightest one.
That, was my Least Favorite.
I, liked the dark one, below.
It reminds me of the time, Pal...Colleen and I, were setting a booth in Nashville.
We'd driven all night, through an Ice Storm, then... unloaded, and worked our Tails Off...All Day.
I asked the Promoter, where we could get some Supper, close by. It was so late, most everything was closed.
He said... "There's a Fast Food joint, up the hill.... or, if you don't mind, Dark...and Smokey...places, there's a Tavern...down the hill."
I was dead...on my feet, all I could say is...
"Where's The Dark... Smokey, Place??? That Sounds Good...To Me!!!"
Colleen, didn't mind. : ) <3
We wound up...having a Great Time, in that...Dark, and Smokey...place, in Nashville. : )
Sometimes...'Bright', isn't a good thing.
At least, to me.
Yes, you can see...MORE.
but, there's...no Mystery....when things Glare.
Those, Dark...and Smokey places....
soften the sharp edges. : )
and...invite you to take a step...closer. : )
Just, my thoughts.
I've got tons...to get done.
Folks, coming to pick up Furniture. Meetings, about Estate Sales.
FUSO, to load...for Junk Jubilee Jingles.
Information to get out...for The Anamosa Show...in January.
DOT, and city...crap.
Everything, is Hurry Up...and Wait, it seems.
Maybe, a Good Thing.
I'll just bask...in the dark, and smokey....places, for a bit longer.
I don't need Anything... Glaring in my face, these days.
{Unless...it's concerning The IDOT and city of Fairfax. I'm Not...Dimming any Light, when it comes to this Recklessness. }
: )
Thank You...All, Again.
Reading so many e-mails, from my Dear Blogger Friends, was such a Gift.
<3 <3 <3
I'll Treasure Them, Always. <3 <3 <3
Love, to You.
Barb C.
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I'd just starting closing my laptop, after I was done posting....tonight, and looked up. : ) Yes.... I Love, dark...and smokey, places. <3 <3 <3 I, am...a Ghost, in this house. : ) |
1 comment:
I love semi dark and mysterious. Unless I'm buying,then I want to see details and the craftsmanship of the piece.
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