Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Loading for Junk Jubilee...and, signed the contract, for Another...Estate Sale...today. The next Fourteen Days...are gonna be Crazy!!!
Son, Justin...
had the Old...Old...Outhouse, loaded on his Buggy, before me and Brandon, could get to him...to Help!!!
Holy Smokes!
What a Man!
{I stopped in my tracks, as I watched Justin, throw that Old Outhouse....over his shoulder, and set it, gently....on the back...of his Buggy.
The words, that slipped out of my mouth, watching that...were...
That 'Boy', is a Mountain...of a 'Man'.
{my jaw, still...drops, just thinking about it. }
We loaded Trucks and Trailers, all day.
Ran, to the Estate Sale...to sign contracts...and set tables.
Lots...of Stuff!
Old Stuff...New Stuff...Jewelry... Furniture... Books..Nice, Clothing...
I could go on...and on.
Pal, Bill... from Iowa Tag Sales...is my Partner, on this sale. <3
It has to be done...in a week.
: )
{Sale Dates, are May 5 thru 7. }
I'll have more details...and images...next Monday.
I was so Thankful...for Son, Justin...and Brandon...today.
Mountain Movers!
Holy Smokes!
We're headed to the Fairgrounds, in Des Moines...in the Morning, with Three Trucks... and, a Trailer.
: )
{Daughter, Liz...and Granddaughter, Miss. Scarlett....are Helping...at Junk Jubilee!}
Filled to The Brim...with Loads...of Gnarliness...from the rabbit hole. : )
See Ya, There!!!
{Junk Jubilee runs Friday thru Sunday! Don't Miss It!}
Estate Sale, images...below.
These, are just a few... I took, while running.
Many More...Coming... MONDAY Night!!!
Monday, April 24, 2017
On'ry and Mean. Loadin' Trucks...and preparing for another Estate Sale. {Gonna Squeeeeze it in, between Junk Jubilee, and Gold Rush. }
Been Loading Trucks, all day.
I'll be loading a Trailer...and another, Truck...in the Morning, for Junk Jubilee...
Then, at Noon, signing the contract...for another Estate Sale.
These Folks, truly...need help.
I, couldn't walk away...from them.
They've lost...their Mother, and the State...is taking her home.
The Brother, is blind. He helped take care of his Mother...until the end.
The Sister, I'm working with...is...so weary.
I, couldn't say "no"
I've got Events...Back to Back...until the end....of May.
I'm tired.
When I get tired... I get On'ry.
Went to pick up Flowers, and Plants...for Junk Jubilee, after loading...today.
It was at a Big...Box...Lumber Yard.
They always have affordable plants.
They, did, today....too.
The Plants...were all wilting.
No Water.
: (
Folks, were standin' around....
The hose, was leaking...
the ground, was wet...
but, the Plants...were dying.
: ( : ( : (
I, asked the three men, doing nothing...at a register...to call the manager.
He came down, and...hahahaha....
I let 'im Have It!
: )
Sadly, for him... he argued...with me.
{uh oh. : ) }
I, nearly had to take him by the Scruff of The Collar....
to Point Out... the Hundreds...of Plants, that were wilting.
Still...he argued.
{uh oh. : ) }
{I'm tired...I work Damned Hard...for the Money, I spend...with these folks. }
He, smiled at me...and said... "We'll try, and do better."
I looked at him, and said....
" 'You Will...Do Better'... is the Answer, Your Regional Manager...would Expect You To Say!"
I told him, I'm gonna shop with someone...who knows how to water their plants.
Maybe, they should stick to what they do best. 'Lumber'. They don't have to water...that.
I, went on...to Earl May's. It cost me, a little more, but...
The People...were Helpful...and, Friendly.
Their Plants...were Happy... and, so was I.
: )
Done... with 'Big Box'. : )
Below, is an Old...Old...
Elevator Light.
It's so....damned....cool.
Don't know, if it gonna make it to JJ.
I, may have Justin...do a little work, on it.
We'll see, as we are loading the trailer tomorrow.
The Estate Sale...
will be May 5, 6 and 7.
Gold Rush...in Rochester, MN...is the following weekend.
The Memorial Day Weekend Sale, is here...at Home...
the last weekend, in May.
Make Plans...to Attend them All!
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
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Vintage Elevator Light. I, love it. : ) The below images...are of the inside. Too....Cool. |
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A Neighbor, brought me this Awesome Mirror, and the below... 'Smalls'... the other day. All, headed to JJ. : ) |
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Me, at the end...of This Day. On'ry...and Mean. {seriously...don't tweak my nose...these days. : ) } |
Friday, April 21, 2017
More Rabbits...for The Rabbit Hole!
More.... Rabbits!
Love these Big Bunnies, that were Easter Decorations.
: )
Miss. Scarlett, and me...stopped at the store, on the way home,...tonight.
Saw these Amazing...Big, China....Bunny Wall Sconces, on clearance.
Oh Boy!!!
I bought 'em All! {6... : ) }
I, don't usually buy 'New' anything. But...These are Awesome!!!
{glad I didn't see them, when they were full price! Yikes! }
They will be Perfect...at the Entrances to The Rabbit Hole!
: )
Went and cleaned out an Old....House, and Shed...that have been sitting empty, for a decade.
Been in one Family... Forever!!!
They never...threw Anything...away. : )
Brought home a Bunch!
Some, sold...the same day...right off of the Ford.
but, there is Much...for Junk Jubilee, in Des Moines, next week!
We'll be loading on Monday.
Went and looked at another Estate Sale, today.
oh my.
These poor Folks...are in such a mess. : (
My Heart...goes out, to them.
I, don't know how...I can get their sale done, along with three Events...
{Junk Jubilee, Gold Rush...and The Memorial Day Weekend Sale }
in, little more, than a month.
Pray for us. <3
Below, are a few images I took down the rabbit hole, the other day.
: )
I, have had so little time, to play...there.
: (
The House... is a Mess. : (
oh my.
Never enough time, in a day.
Love...to ya.
Barb C.
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I pulled many early pieces of Ironstone, from the Old...House, last week. Along with a Pile....of Tea Leaf, Ironstone. I, love...the Cups and Saucers. : ) |
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Old...Tea Leaf. <3 'Farmer's China'. |
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Found this little bottle, of 'Rabbit Lure'... sitting on a shelf...in the Old...House. It, had to come Home. : ) |
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This, is an Adorable Medicine Cabinet. Has a Darling...Brass, Cup Holder, on the side. It's an Old... soft, Pink...in color. |
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Had, two...of these old...9 Drawer Store Pieces. One, sold. The other, is headed to Junk Jubilee...if it doesn't sell, by Monday! |
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Gnarly piece of Tin Ceiling! Finally, got it hung up...the other day. : ) |
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Been getting in, loads...of old doors, and shutters. |
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Peg and I....rescued this little girl, from a ditch...years ago. She, took her home with her, way back. Last year...she sent her back, Home...with me. <3 |
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I have so much....to do, down the rabbit hole. I, stood...gazing in the door, the other day. Didn't have time...to enter, and work... but... It was Calling...to me. <3 |
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These old Corn Cobs...were in the Shed, at the old House. I, didn't have the heart, to dump them. I'll do something fun...with 'em. : ) |
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Soon, The Gnarliness...will be Green. <3 Wild, Grape. : ) |
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Lots of Crocks...and a Very...sweet...Bin, that came from the Old Kitchen. It still had the built in, Dry Sink, sitting next to it. : ) |
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This Old....Copper Washing Machine...is Very Cool. It, was buried, in the Old...Shed. : ) |
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I liked the writing, on this old sprayer. There are Tons...of Dibby Dabbies, I dug...out of the Old House, and Shed. oh my. |
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
The Estate Sale... Journey.
The Sale...was Amazing.
Thanks, so Much...to Everyone, concerned.
From Bob, the owner...
who, trusted me...to handle this.
I asked him, one evening, as several us, sat on the Veranda...sipping wine,
what he thought...the first time we met.
{I was laughing. : ) : ) : ) }
I, pull up...into the winding drive...in an area, of Town....that's pretty, uh...exclusive, with the Only...Ford, in our Family....that wasn't limpin'...
The Gypsy.
10 inch Lift...Chrome Stacks... and, not a straight piece of sheet metal....on her body.
The, 'Driver'...was, to him...and his neighbors...equally, 'interesting'. : )
He, didn't say much....when I asked him, his thoughts....but, instead....began to laugh...
and say.... 'Welllll...." Hahaha!
So, it was leap of Faith....for Bob. : )
Bob, has spent most of his life....working, and providing...for his family.
He, did a Great Job. : )
Sadly...his world.....fell apart, a couple of years ago...when his wife, left.
He never saw it coming.
Some, would say... "How can that be? He must have had a clue."
No, he didn't.
Sadly, over my life...I've seen this happen...many times.
I'll talk more, about this, at the end...of this post.
I want to share The Positive...first. : ) <3
Thank You...to All, who Attended! <3
Here's how it all...began.
Thank You...to All, who Attended! <3
Here's how it all...began.
The phone rang...over a month ago...It was Karen, a realtor, I'd met, while visiting our mutual Friend... Val, years ago.
She asked me if I'd take a look at a Home, she was going to be listing. I, was Happy...to. : )
This, was a Huge...undertaking, yet....I never felt, intimidated by it.
{A 'God'...thing. : ) }
Daughter, Liz....helped. Then...Daughter in Law, Katie... Adam, Mark, and Bud.
Bless Their Hearts!
Then, pal, Gayle... offered a hand.
She...is a Whirlwind. : )
She is a Master...Tagger!!!
As the days went by.... more and more....Folks, just....out of the Blue...offered help.
Donna, and one of her Friends..... helped with the Clothes, Jewelry... and sewing items.
{Donna, was my 8th grade Home Economics Teacher, 'One'...of three...Favorite Teachers, in my life. She's married to a Dear Friend, that has helped our Kids, over the years....at The Bank. May God Bless them....Both. <3 }
Pal, Bill...was a Godsend. I've known Bill, for 20 years. {Iowa Tag Sales}
He helped with Tables...and Online business. I, don't know what...we would have done...without him.
Brandon, Justin's Best Bud....was also...a Godsend.
He carried... Mountains, from the basement....to the 3rd floor.
He said he lost 8 pounds, in two weeks!
What a Trooper!
Pal, Val...oh my. : )
She came over....and worked her little tail off. She brought tables...and helped 'stage' the House.
Pal, Dale...even brought a Load...of Tables. : )
I, think...we used nearly 30 tables. Oh My!
Bart, Denise...and Lacey....what can I say, about them.
God Bless 'em...and, their friend, Neva....
They came, and said... "What do ya need? Tell us what to do....and we'll do it!!!"
Have you any Idea...what a Gift, that is. <3
They tagged, and sorted....displayed....
Cindy, and Tom... came...Bless their Hearts, to help with the Books, I...don't know what....
I'd do...without them. <3 <3 <3 They help me...Often!
Normally, I clean the House, Stage it...and price.
I, couldn't do it all....so, Friends, Stanley and Klarika...who are Master... House Cleaners...
{but were over booked, severely} ...
told me about a Wonderful Gal, who owns Liberty Enterprises Cleaning Services.
{but were over booked, severely} ...
told me about a Wonderful Gal, who owns Liberty Enterprises Cleaning Services.
: )
She, and her Team came in....and went Above, and Beyond.
: )
Then, Laura 'Volunteered'...to come back, and Help...pull things together.
Holy Smokes!!!
Who Does That!
These, are All.... Busy....Busy...People.
yet... out of the Kindness...of Their Hearts... came, and worked....
They, worked... Hard!
oh my.
Some, I paid. but... for what I had quoted... I was running out of funds.
The ones, that 'Volunteered'....made it clear....they wanted No Money.
{they didn't know, my budget...was depleting : ) }
They, just...wanted to 'Help Out'.
But, you see...they all...kinda knew, Bob's Story.
and, they saw him...in action.
Taking such loving Care...of the three Elderly Hounds, that, were...also....
left behind.
{and... The Fish, he cared for...
The Chickens....
all, left....behind.}
{and... The Fish, he cared for...
The Chickens....
all, left....behind.}
Bob, was Amazed...by all of The Kind...People.
: ) : ) : )
I, think...he's still...in shock.
I, know....how that feels.
I, think...Everyone...that came to help, knows...how that feels.
It, was...a 'God'...thing.
Here are a few images, of The Crew.
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Bill, {Iowa Tag Sales} Bob, the owner....and Gayle. <3 <3 <3 |
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Brandon. What can I Say??? hahahaha! He's quite a Ham! but, He's One Heck....of a Worker! Bless....his Heart! <3 |
I didn't get pictures, of Bart, Denise...Lacey...or, Neva.
I, thought....I did, but...I can't find them.
: (
There were several other Folk...who helped out, pricing.
I, called on them...and, they were There....
May, God... Bless em.
I've struggled, with this sale, more than most.
I have to be careful...how, I put this all....into words.
There were many nights, I wept....driving Home.
There were many days...I Prayed, driving to it.
With each of these 'sales'...I learn, something.
This one, I learned Much.
I learned...
I hold Women, to Higher Standards.
Daughter, Liz...said..., after I explained my thoughts, to her....
"Mom, You are Sexist."
: )
Yes, I am.
: )
: )
I've seen, much...in my life.
Here's what I Know.
Aunt Bee, was The Strongest Character...on The Andy Griffith Show.
Everyone...Respected, Aunt Bee.
If, she wasn't happy, or her feelings were hurt....
Andy, along...with Everyone else, made sure...she was taken care of.
They Jumped Through Hoops.
They Jumped Through Hoops.
She, held The Family, The Most Important Job...
Hillary Clinton, made a comment, when Bill was running for President, the first time, she wasn't like Tammy Wynette, and wouldn't just... 'stand by her man'. But, That's, Exactly... what she did, a few years later.
I've loved....Tammy Wynette, and her songwriters...my entire life.
I, understood them.
If you think...for a moment, they were weak....: ) You'd be...mistaken.
Women, are Much...Stronger, than Men.
{I'm not picking...on Men. }
I'm saying, Men...can be Hurt, so Deeply....by Women.
Down...to the Core.
Men, Trust...them.
Women, rule...the Home.
They, 'rule'...Men.
{most, of the time. }
I, believe.... a Good Woman, takes care of her Family.
They look Up....to her.
Men, Good Men.... depend on them. They Provide, and, ask...for little more...than a Happy Home.
There are some not so good men....that, won't last long...with a Good, Woman.
I, believe...that anyone....who isn't happy, in a relationship, should have the Respect....to go to the One they've shared their Life...and Love...with, and....tell them, first....before they 'walk'.
I, noticed....after thinking about this, day in...and day...out.
The Women, who 'Helped'...at this sale, were like a bunch of Mother Hens. <3
{They All...are Praying...for Bob. : ) }
Even, Gayle...who was treated, soooo Badly.... by her former, Understood, and has major... compassion...for Bob.
I, never intended....on being married, or...having children.
I, knew....as independent....as I was, and am...I, didn't think, I...could be a good Wife, or Mother.
Then, I met John. <3 and...the Kids...came along. <3
I, don't believe I've been the best... but, I've done...my best.
I watch our Daughters, and Daughter in Laws...
Liz, Katie...Andrea...and Maryjane, They...are Amazing...'Women'.
{They bring tears, to my eyes...when I watch them, with their Families. : ) <3 }
I wasn't always there....
but, I Always...Stood by my Man.
I, Always...will do...Anything, for our Children.
I, never....would have walked away.
Our lives, weren't always perfect.
There were times...when, I'm sure...John and I...both...wanted to 'walk'.
we had too much Respect, for one another.
I, look at my Family.
My Sisters... and, Sister in Law.... Shirley. <3
They, were, and are....such Powerful, Loving... Role Models.
We, This Country...Need, More...of Them.
They... are the Strongest Women, I've ever Known...in my Life.
My Brothers, and Brother in Laws.... 'Know'...and 'Knew' exactly, what I'm talkin' about.
{They never made the Guys, feel 'less', than a Man. but, The Men, knew....they'd be Lost...without Them. }
So, yes... call me 'Sexist'...all...day...long.
I, will Always...hold Women, to a Higher...Standard.
Love, to ya....
Barb C.
{I spent many hours with Bob. We had some Heart to Heart...talks.
: )
I told him...to get out to Arizona...
find out, who 'Bob' is.
Take Care, of 'himself'...for once.
: )
Don't get married, again... until, he figures out....who, he is.
: )
I, remember...the saying...I found, down the rabbit hole... long...ago, and I painted it, for a sign.
"Be Kind, to Yourself....
: )
It has to be done...in 'that' order. }
The tune, above...is how Bob, and so many other...Wonderful Men, I've known...throughout my life, expected their lives...to be, when they...grew older.
Bob, told me....he still, loves his former wife.
Sadly...most of them...do.
They, were Devoted.
Sadly...most of them...do.
They, were Devoted.
This, was one of the most difficult posts, I've ever had to write.
The old...Taurus, has pulled in her horns.
: )
If, I ever write a book....
The old...Taurus, has pulled in her horns.
: )
If, I ever write a book....
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