Sunday, November 29, 2015
Well.... The Tree Needs One...More... Day.
I had Hoped... to have The Tree Done.... today.
I frittered my Morning away.
Today... was my Brother, Larry's... Birthday.
I can't remember when... in my life...
I didn't call him... to Wish Him...
Happy... Day.
He's been on my mind... so much.
Thanksgiving... was ruff.
We didn't spend much time together... over the last few decades.
I'll never... forget my First Thanksgiving... on my own.
He... was... kind of on his own...for the First time...too... that year.
We spent it... 'Shared' it... together.
oh my.
Miss. Scarlett... helped me out today...
She worked on the bottom 3 feet... of The Tree...
{Thank God... for Little People! <3 <3 <3 }
I... worked on... the top...9.
oh my.
It should be done... tomorrow.
: )
Finishing Touches...
Clean Up.
oh my.
: )
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
{We were listening... to Christmas Music... on the radio... as we worked.
The above song... came on.
I had to find a seat.
I...Love... that tune.
I sat...
and Stared... at that Beautiful... almost...done...
'Memory Tree'.
oh my.
If... this... 'Addition'... John and I built... could play a tune...
It... would play The Above...
'Pachelbel... Canon in 'D'.
Year... Around. : ) <3 }
That's why... I Insisted... on The Cello... this year.
{Liz... So...Didn't want it... in The Tree. {it's not easy... putting a Cello... in a Tree.}
The Old Cello...seems to be the 'wink'... from our Surroundings.
or... maybe...
It's My Wink...
Our Surroundings.
What a Gift...
Each.... and Every... 'Fragment'...
<3 <3 <3
: )
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oh my.... : ) |
Saturday, November 28, 2015
The Tree... is 'Gettin' There'. oh my.
Liz, Miss. Scarlett and me... have worked on it... that last two days.
: )
We should... have it done... Sunday night.
There is Much... do.
: )
We put the Old... Cello...John so carefully... repaired... back in... this year.
: )
with a Horse...
{an old... 'Spring Horse'... one... like I've never seen before.
His 'Likeness'... is soooo Pleasing... to the eye. : )
Reminds me... of my Shetland Pony... Stormy...
Dad bought... for me... when I was 5.
oh my...
He was Full... of... : ) 'Energy'. : )
He 'Ditched' more times.... than I can count. : )
He taught me... to Never Give Up!!! <3 }
I bought the old spring horse fragment.. for very little.
A Farmer had found him.... in a Dump... and rescued him.
I knew... when I bought him.. if... he didn't sell... by the time... the Tree went up...
He... was going to find a Spot... There. : )
Miss. Scarlett helped 'Adorn'... The Tree... this eve.
: )
We have Miles... to go.
but.... it will be Beautiful... when we 'Git 'er Done'. : )
Love... to ya.
Barb C.
{You Must... watch the above video... of 'Ed'... : )
Stormy... the Shetland Pony... my Dad bought me... when I was 5...
and had... until I was 20... yeah...
: )
'Ed'... Must be His Grandson. : ) : ) : )
oh my...
I could Write a Book... on Stormy... and Our Adventures.
: )
Thanks, Janice... for posting that... video.
People... send their kids to 'Boot Camp'... these days... when they can't handle 'em....
all they have to do...
is get them...a Shetland Pony.
They'll Teach 'em... Everything... they Need to Know. : ) : ) : )
{and.. folks worry about 4 Wheelers. Seriously.... hahahahaha. }
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'Stormy'... : ) |
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The 'Rescued Pony'... <3 |
Friday, November 27, 2015
The Tree goes Up... Today.
Liz is coming out....
and is helping me get 'The Tree'... Up.
: )
It's our Tradition.... to put The Tree Up....
the day after Thanksgiving....
and put it away....
New Years Day.
It was sooooo Difficult... last year.
I...didn't want to put it up.
John always helped me...We'd put it up...and light it.... then... he'd get outta here.
He wanted no part... of the 'Bling'... : )
Then, on New Years Day... he'd help me take everything down...and carefully put it away.
He had 'His Way'... of putting things 'back'... and wouldn't let me... Touch the Tree...
He kept Everything... in a Certain... Order. : )
{Liz is like her Dad, that way. : ) }
I couldn't Bare... thinking... last year...we'd be unpacking the last 'Christmas'... his hands... touched.
Liz... kept pushing me... I'm glad she did.
If she hadn't.... I doubt... I could touch any of it...this year.... maybe... never...again.
It takes quite a while... getting it all put together.
I'm ready.. to see that 'Tree'... : )
It holds... so many Memories.
Good ones.
Great... ones. ya...
Barb C.
This was the last... 'Tree'... John and I put up. |
I had found a License Plate... with John's Birth Year... on it... It had to go in The Tree. : ) The little Truck... reminded me... of my Dad... and John. so... It went in...too. <3 |
The Old Cello... was so fragile... John fixed it up... so it could hang in The Tree. : ) Liz found me 'The Hatter's Hat'... so, 2013... it went on The Top! |
The Old Horse... Weather Vane Directional... is for the Memory... of Our Beloved... Horses. |
This was taken the same year.... : ) Nicky... and Phil... {Kitty} were never far from John. |
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Empty Platters... and remembering my First Thanksgiving... on my own.
All that's left.. of a Bountiful Thanksgiving Feast... tonight,
is Empty Platters...
and a Full Fridge... : )
The Kids took home a lot...
we always make feed an Army.
oh my.
I didn't get many pictures... too busy.
Liz got some... I'll share later. : )
Liz said something to me... yesterday, when she brought Miss. Scarlett out.... that...had 'haunted' me... throughout the day... and night.
She said... "I don't care what the house looks like... Nobody Cares... Don't worry about it."
I thought... to myself, "I do."
Then... I got to thinking... 'why' do I care....?
Why... do I always make such a Fuss....
Drive Myself...Crazy.
I began walking though 'Holidays' past.
Where did this 'Obsessive' behavior... come from.
: )
It didn't take me long... to unravel.
My early years... were different, from... most.... people I grew up with.
Holidays... were most of the time... difficult.
There was always... something... that would erupt....
between my Parents.
I remember... as a small child... being soooo Excited... for Thanksgiving... and Christmas!!!
Things would be smooth.... until.... 'The Day'...
Then... either Dad would disappear.... wouldn't come back from 'chores'...
or... worse... he'd be there....
and Mom... would get...pretty ornery... one thing led to another....
all Hell would break loose.
The times... we went to my Sister, Chery's... or, Brother, Larry's... with Wife, Marsha....
were great... sort of. : )
They had... what seemed to be a 'Picture Perfect'... Family Life.
I never felt.... I was a part of that.
I knew, my life was very different.
I remember, visiting Chery's... when I was about 8.... at Christmas.
She always... always... created such a Beautiful... Homey... atmosphere.
{later, when I was an adult... she told me... she hated... Christmas.... any Holidays.
That... made me so sad.... for her. }
The Tree...she decorated was sooooo Beautiful. : )
There were Mountains... of Gifts... under it.
Beautifully...wrapped. : )
The rest of the Family... was in the basement... I...couldn't leave that Tree.
: )
then... I realized... how Lucky... my Nephew was.
and... there weren't any gifts...for me, under that Beautiful Tree.
It made me... kind of sad... yet.... somehow... the Beauty... of it All...seemed to be what was most... important. : )
We rarely had a Christmas Tree... at home.
I dragged one home... from my 3rd grade class... Mrs. Riddle, my teacher.... said I could have it.
: )
Mom let me put it in the house... : )
I still remember the paper chain... that was on the little Tree.
All of us 3rd Graders... made it, in class. : )
{Yes... I dragged it home... with All of The Decorations... on it. about 4 blocks. of my. }
My Great Dane, Dolsey and I... moved into a 10x50 mobile home... in the Winter, after Christmas.... when I was 15.
then.... fixed it up.... sold it... and bought a Nice 14x60.... when I was 16.
It was that year... I had Thanksgiving, for the very first time. : )
My Dad, and Brother, Larry were there.... my Niece, Kari... helped me cook and Bake... the night before.... {she was 12 or 13... maybe. }
I think... Mom was there... too.
Larry was separated from his wife, Marsha.
I remember, Dolsey being So Put Off.
Larry... after eating... was Lounging... Sprawled Out.... on the Love Seat. : )
That.... was Dolsey's... 'Throne'... : )
She walked over to him... as he snored....
sniffed him... from Head to Toe....
just stood there... and Stared at him. : ) Nose.
as he slept.
: )
oh my.
: )
There was no bickering... no... Drama.
I think, even then... without saying a word... to anyone....
they knew.
I wouldn't Tolerate... any Monkey...Business.
No Arguing.
I fixed a HUGE... Meal.
just... like today.
I wanted Everything.... to be... like I imagined... it Should be.
: )
Our Kids... have never seen... the type of Holidays... I grew up with.
I won't allow it.
John, wouldn't either.
{Tho... I Know... I Made Him Crazy... watching me... Lose my Mind... seeking... Perfection... that, there never, really is. Bless His Heart!!! <3 }
I...always... try and make it... 'Good'.
: )
It's a Gift... to my Family... that... they don't really understand... they are receiving.
It's a Gift... for me... to 'Give'... it to them. : )
I told a Friend, the other day... if... the Kids... weren't here....
I'd volunteer... somewhere... and 'Give'... what I could... to others... who, like a Young person... so wanted to 'Feel'... just... for a little while.
: )
I have had 'The Holidays'... most of my life.
I... can't remember... any... Holidays... I didn't prepare... here, at Home.
Last Christmas... when Nick... broke the window at Liz's... she was standing on the other side....
and got all cut up.... as did Nick....
She came here... covered in blood.
all... she kept saying... is how sorry... she was... that Christmas had been ruined.
I assured her... it wasn't.
: )
Christmas.... Thanksgiving....
Nothing... Steals That...Away... from our Family.
I won't allow it...
Not... in This House.
Children... should Never... have these Family Times... Ruined...
and... tho.... the Kids... don't know it....
I've seen worse.
We'll get through it. : )
I thought of that.... the other day.... as I was Blowing Kisses... to Miss. Scarlett.
It was a Bad... situation....
By God.... I was going to do my Best... to not allow her.... to see...or Feel...
how bad... it was.
I remember... one Thanksgiving... when I was her age... and having a Deputy Sheriff... take my Dad away.
I Begged... that Man... to "Please... don't".....
I hung on... to my Dad's Leg.....
Mom...had to pry me off.
: (
I... won't Allow... That.....
in our Home.
Not... Ever.
I Hope... you all... had a Wonderful... Thanksgiving.
I counted my Blessings... all day... today.
{I do... most every day. I do...complain... sometimes, too. I'm tired... weary... and... 'forget' }
: )
My Family.... {Two and Four Legged : ) Here... and... in Heaven. }...
Friends.... Freedom... Health...
Food... Clothes.... Roof...
I've lived... without ' times... throughout my life...
I am Thankful... for Everything... I Have... and Hold Dear...
Today. Blessed.
If you are reading this
You... are Too.
You can 'see'... you...can 'read'.
there's two.
: )
Love, to you...
Barb C.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Happy Thanksgiving.... Eve.
I have been trying to clean...
a years worth of this house...
in a couple of days.
oh my.
: )
Had some dear Gals... want to come visit the rabbit hole...
this afternoon...
: )
oh my.
It's an Absolute MESS!
the furnace won't kick in.
It's Cold.
: )
They all came... in their winter coats...and Shopped!
Bless Their Hearts!!!
: )
Miss. Scarlett came
She's Great! but....
it's difficult... cleaning and working....
and trying to entertain. : )
I had to get some things from the store...tonight.
Scarlett and I Braved the other Last Minute Shoppers...
Holy Smokes!!!
Got home... unloaded groceries...
as I was putting them away....
I noticed a gallon of milk... that was 'Beyond'.
took it to the sink...
carefully... opened the lid.
It Exploded!!!
all over the walls... windows... floor....plants... dishes....
and... me. : )
Gotta Love...that Sour Milk Stench!!!
reminded me of a dirty... 'baby burp towel'... : )
{that had been 'sitting in the laundry'...a bit...too long.
: )
Then... Miss. Scarlett had an 'accident'... couldn't get to the potty... quite quick enough.
oh dear...
Got her all situated...
Polly...had an accident.
: )
oh my.
{The Groceries... Milk...and accidents... all 'happened'... in a matter of minutes.}
oh my.
The Vacuum is sitting next to me.
It's gonna sit right...there...
until Morn.
: )
I'll get the food goin'... trays... done.... and cleaning... finished....
I'm Done.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Love, to ya....
Barb C.
This is an image... from a couple of years ago. It says... pretty much... how I feel... tonight. I couldn't take an image... of how I Look... tonight. It'd Scare The Hell Outta Ya!!! : ) oh dear. : ) |
Monday, November 23, 2015
Safe... and Sound.
oh my.
What a day.
Thanks, to All who have been sending Prayers.
Things... turned out... in the beginning much worse...
than I had anticipated....this morning.
I was frantic... inside.
The Ford and I... were involved... in a bit of a 'chase'.
Over several.... nerve bending... miles.
: (
Trying to keep Miss. Scarlett... safe.
Thanks, to the Linn County Sheriff's Department....
for keeping things... under control... and getting Miss. Scarlett back in our hands.
Angels. sick to my stomach.
my.... entire body.... is trembling.
has been for hours.
Everyone is safe.
: )
Thank You... again...
for your Continued Prayers.
They, carry us.
: )
Barb C.
{When I was calling 911, and had the car Scarlett was taken in....
The Dispatcher asked what I was was driving....
I said... "A Blue Flatbed Ford Ranger...Truck... Loaded Heavy.
It's not.... moving."
It's not.... moving."
oh my.
I sat there.... in The Ford... blowing Kisses... to Miss. Scarlett... in the back seat...of the car...
until the Deputies arrived.
: )
She... returned... Every Single...Kiss.
: )
That's My Girl. <3 <3 <3 }
I sat there.... in The Ford... blowing Kisses... to Miss. Scarlett... in the back seat...of the car...
until the Deputies arrived.
: )
She... returned... Every Single...Kiss.
: )
That's My Girl. <3 <3 <3 }
Sunday, November 22, 2015
once...again, I'm Calling In... The Angels.
There is a Whole...Lotta Crap...
coming down the pipeline.
It's not directed at me....
is Bull's Eyed...
It's Directed at Me.
: )
Straight... at my Heart.
Tomorrow... promises to be a difficult day.
I'm Calling In... My Angels.
<3 <3 <3
Please... Pray for us. <3
Love you...
Thank You.
{Again....once...again. : ) <3 }
Barb C.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
First Snow....
The First Snow... has arrived... in All Her Glory.
: )
The Old Gypsy... was shivering this Morn.
I had to laugh... when I saw her grill.
: )
I 'Locked' her hubs in... last night.
I was nervous about what was heading out way.
They said... 10 inches of snow...
{we got around 7, they say... but... it doesn't look like much.
I was wearing short sleeves when I took Gypsy's Pic. : ) }
By noon... today... Jethro could have been running on dry pavement.
The Iowa DOT Boys... work pretty hard... to keep us 'Movin'. : )
The weather guys... Love... to scare us. oh my.
The roads were BAD last night... and early...this Morn.
but... I had no place I had to be... so...
It's all... good.
The rabbit hole will be Open by Appointment, only....
through November 29th.
then... back to regular hours.
11 'til 5 Thursdays thru Saturdays...
Noon 'til 4 Sundays.
: )
Open House...
December 4th thru 7th!!!
: )
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
we.... Danced.
Last Friday morning....
as I was rushing... to get my shower...and The Show...
finish up the Booth... before The Early Birds...
would come Rushing through....
my mind... was Racing.
oh my.
Before I jumped in the shower... I took off my 'Heart'... that holds John's Ashes.
like... I always do.
I only... take the Heart from around my neck... when I shower...or take a bath.
I'm get it wet.
When I was getting dressed...
I pulled my clothes from a rack, where I had placed them... in the bathroom,
I saw the Heart... fall...
there was nothing I could do... quick enough to catch it.
It hit the tile floor.
It it was in slow motion....
when it hit the sounded like a sonic...Boom.
my Heart... sank.
When I picked it up... a piece of the Beautiful Glass... was gone.
My eyes...raced... to find the pieces.
I found... a large chip.
set it aside...
for when I could carefully glue it back together.
: (
oh my.
: (
I slipped The 'Broken' Heart... back on, around my neck....
and headed for the show.
I kept touching it... all day.
I always touch it.
It was soooo smooth... before.
there was a Sharp... edge.
Somehow... it...almost...seemed... like it should have a 'sharp' edge.
I found the time... on Sunday morning... to sit down.. and glue it.
It's missing a chunk... and, still... has a sharp edge, when my fingers... caress it.
A Broken Heart....
I had a Dream... Saturday night.
I dreamt John and I were in an old... Farm House.
We were standing in the entryway.
The curtains... in the windows... were blowing, towards us.
It felt... like it was late... Spring.
We spoke, to each other... I remember his voice... but... not our conversation.
We walked into each other's arms...held each other...
and Danced.
We rarely 'danced'... when we did... we, mostly... stood pretty still....and slowly... danced in a circle.
We always we danced...
laughed, and each other.
: )
The Dance Floor... could be Full...
when we danced...
it was like...
We were the Only ones... on The Floor.
: )
In my dream... he wasn't wearing his glasses....
I gazed into his Dark...Dark... Brown Eyes.
{Daughters, Liz and Andrea... have his Dark Brown Eyes... }
His hair was Brown... and.. his front tooth had a chip... : )
He looked just like... he did... the day I met him.
{I never saw him... any different.... throughout my life.
I look at pictures, now... and see, he was older.
Funny... I never saw him grow 'older'... until he wasn't here, anymore.}
When Mark came to get me... to head to the show....
I had to share my 'Dream'... with him.
oh my.
I couldn't get through...the story, like... now....
without... 'melting'.
oh my.
oh my.
It was such a Gift... to see John... and Hold him... in my arms.
Hear...his voice.
oh my.
oh my... : (
I dream about John... almost every night.
This Dream... was Special.
I heard... the above tune... playing... as we Danced....
in my Dream. <3
{'I Don't Dance' by Lee Brice }
: )
It always made me smile.... when I heard it.
It was Soooo John.
He Dance. : ) : ) : )
but... I'd get him out there... every Once... in a while.
: )
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
The Fonz... video... ... was John. : ) Totally. oh dear. <3 : ) I Swear.... they created the 'Fonzie' Character... from John's...'Early Days'. <3 hahahahaha. <3 The Tammy Video... is Yours Truly. <3 |
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Junk Jubilee Jingles!!!
Oh My!
Liz , Miss. Scarlett and me... pulled in to Des Moines... early Wednesday afternoon.
It was a Trick... getting on the road... oh my.
Seemed it was one thing...after another... just getting the Luggage... in the Truck,
and doing 'last minute' things.
A Storm was Brewing.... Big Storm.
but... we got right in... at the Fairgrounds... and had our Trucks unloaded... in about 4 hours.
Then The Storm Hit.
A Tornado was sighted... South of us... and we were directed to the Storm Shelter.
Thankfully... it all blew past us. : )
Liz was such a Help... at this show.
Oh My.
We were loaded Heavy... Mark and I both were, to the point... we didn't share a booth.
We each had More than enough to fill our own.
It worked out Great!
The above image... is what our booth looks like... after unloading.
We had to get walls up... around... this Mountain.
{rugs down...}
oh dear.
Yes... Liz... was Great Help!!!
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The Booth turned out Great! {This was before... Straw was Strewn... : ) } |
Jerome and Dawn's... 'Dug Finds'.... were a HIT!!!
I shared them, with everyone. : )
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The Booth was most...always... Busy! {for all of the Vendors! } It was Great Seeing Everyone! |
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Even...Santa came to Visit! |
We did lots of lighting... {Thanks, to Liz. : ) }
The Booth, many said... was 'Magical'.
it was. : )
{They had to duck... under Greenery... : ) when they entered....
Just... like the rabbit hole....
It was very... 'Cozy'... : ) }
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There were LONG Lines... to get into the Show... Every Day!!! They stretched... for Blocks!!! oh my. : ) |
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Mark said he had a GREAT Show... too!!! |
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Friday night... a Group of us... went to Don's West End Salvage. He and his Crew Hosted a Party... oh dear. : ) It was Quite a Bash!!! Great Folks!!! |
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Friday, before we left for Down Town.... a Group of us... sat in the 'Rabbit Hole... in Des Moines'. : ) Visiting... It was Great. Love The Re Deux Boys.... and {Girls}... |
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This is Miccia Humphrey, Promoter, of Junk Jubilee..... and her Awesome Sis, Shelly. <3 <3 <3 They are The Best!!! |
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Yes... it was a Great Time. : ) Can't miss... Dale, from Re Deux!!! Just look for The Hat!!! : ) |
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Shelly... and Yours Truly... oh dear... what a Night. |
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: ) : ) : ) |
Junk Jubilee... was Great!!!
{for Everyone!!! }
Miccia and her Crew...
Make It Happen!!!
The Vendors...
are Over the Top!!!
Everyone... works so Hard.
The Customers...are Fun!!! and Full of Energy!!!
Love It!
Thanks, so Much... to Everyone.... for making this Event...
Love, to ya....
Barb C.
{My neck... is some better. I stayed in bed all day, yesterday.
I broke down... and took a muscle relaxer/ pain killer.
I can turn my head, a
Maybe... it's just a knotted muscle.
It hurt so bad on Sunday... I was sick to my stomach.
Thank God... for the Kids... helping load.
oh my.
I had a melt down... over the weekend.
I Barked... at a couple of Dear Folks... and... later, I thought...
"That... sounded like my Mother."
I didn't like it.
: (
I apologized to the Folks.
I Love them...Dearly... and would never have done that...
had I not been... Far Gone.
I am wound so tight.
so...very... very...tight.
When a Spring lets go....
well... The Mad Hatter...
isn't pretty.
I don't ever remember... feeling as vulnerable... as I did...just prior to the melt down.
I don't ever... remembering feeling so lost, abandoned... and out of control.
For someone... like me, feeling 'helpless'... is quite an Ugly...Thing.
I Snapped.
Maybe, that's why... I've kept to much, this last year and a half.
I can turn myself 'on'... for Business....
when the lights go out...
the feet go up....
after a little, or a Lot... of Fireball....Patron... and other 'refreshing beverages'....
{Once I got started...that evening... I didn't quit.
It was all so Much Fun... : )
until... it wasn't. }
I's best...if I keep to myself....
'after hours'.
: )
I think... like 'The Hatter'... I am... a bit 'mad'.
Like a 'mood ring'... I wear my emotions... on my sleeve.
The Hatter, was 'Mad'... from his exposure to Mercury...
I'd like to blame my insanity on Patron. : )
Mine... comes from 'Life'. Lots... of Life. : )
I wouldn't change... a moment...of it.
{well... I'd change a Lot of Moments... of 'Loss'...
All of Those.
The Struggles...
no. }
but... like an Old Clock... that's been wound... pretty tight...
: )
When the 'Click' breaks....
I am Blessed... to have Angels... in my life.
The one's with Perfect Wings.
Or have a few... with 'singed' ones...
: )
like mine, and Peg's... {and a few others... <3 }
that between us all.... our wings... will keep us off the ground. ; )
May God... Bless Us. <3 }
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