Saturday, March 22, 2025

Bob Seger- Turn the Page

Turn... The Page.

This... Day, didn't go as planned, either.
{I'm... Not, Not... Not... a Cat Herder. : ) }

Won't get into Details, but...
this down time, today...
gave me a chance to go through 
Over 4,000 images.
Didn't get through each, and every single one, yet.
Thought my phone, had lost... many, when it went down a few months ago.
: (
turns out...
The Images were Saved...

The above image... was captured, as I sat at my laptop, in our Kitchen.
Long, Long... ago.
I'd just learned... of a Young Man's... {Kid} who was a Friend of our Son's...
Mother, being killed... while turning into her driveway..
by, someone....
I'd heard, was texting, instead of driving.
: (

Yes, after every 'Show', driving Home...
I think of 
Bob Seger...
'Turn the Page'.
; )

Livin' The Dream.
<3 <3 <3 

No Matter.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

Friday, March 21, 2025

Once Upon a Time in the West - two too many

The Everly Brothers - Wake Up Little Susie ( 1957 )

Herdin' Cats.

; )

That's the way This Day, has felt.
Seems, trying to get Folks All on One Schedule, well...
: )
is, pretty much like...
 Herding Cats!
: )

This Day, didn't go anywhere close to 
'As Planned'.
threw in the towel a bit early.
: )
As Scarlett, said... 
{Gone With The Wind}
"I'll think about that tomorrow...
after all,
Tomorrow Is....
Another Day."

; )

Dear... Minnesota Pal, Rhonda {Douglas}... 
posted the below today.
Cracked Me Up!!
; )
Had to send it on to Dear Friend, Gail.
: ) : ) : )

: )
Seems, more and more...
speakin' for myself,
; )
 Easier... and Easier. 
; )

oh... dear.

Rhonda... posted the one above, too, today.
{I've been Blessed to meet some Very Cool Folks over this 'Old Souls' Journey.
Antiques... and 'Junk'. : ) <3}

Had to cancel the Road Trip... with Pal, Allyson... and Friends, tomorrow.
Way Too Much... yet, to 'Button Up'.
Waaaaaay Too Many Cat's to Herd!!
; )

Southern Iowa... Kelly, who I bought the Huge Load from, yesterday...
texted me this morning... bright and early, wondering if we'd made it Home.
: )
I should've let Kelly know, last night.
Thanked Kelly, and his 'Crew'... for Their Help.
 Assured Kelly, 
Thanks to Him, and those Extra Ratchets, The Ford was Still...
 Loaded Tight as a Drum at Home, in the drive.
: )
{That Ford... Could Fly to The Moon, The Way Kelly, and His Family.... Stacked... Racked... Packed, and...
Tied Down.
: )
Not... any of our 'First Rodeo's Loadin' a Truck.}
Dear Lord.
; )

Chicago... Ray, called this morning.
Had a Long Chat.
: )

Received a message from Lawyer, Josey Wales, this morning.
as well.
{Charles Meardon}

Josey Wales, has Top Priority... when the phone rings.
or... a text is received.

'The Rule of Law'

Everyone I know, 'Right/Left'...
Understands that. 
They'd Better, because... 
'The Rule of Law' is Lost, 
is America, and...

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Beverly Hillbillies Theme Song

Road Trip. : )

Picked up a Nice... Load of 'Garden'... and Vintage 'Treasures' for 
The Rabbit Hole...
Junk Jubilee.
{March 28 - 30...
The Fairgrounds, in Des Moines!!}

Pal, Dale... rode Shotgun.
: )
He Almost... had to walk home.
{The Ford's Cab... was Packed Tight... Too!!}
: ) 
Poor Dale, was Wrapped in a Fabulous Early...
Room Size... Vintage Rug.
: ) : ) : )
had enough room, to Grab Gears, and Shift The Ford.
: )

We Had Great Fun...
; )

Teeny... Tiny... Snippets of The 'Honey Hole'.
; )

Oh... my.
; )

I remember... John telling me Years ago...
when I'd come Rollin' in at Home, with a 'Load', 
all he could say... while smokin' a Lucky, and shaking his head...
as me, and The Ford rounded the West Cemetery Road, and... Stallman Drive corner,
"The Gypsy's Home."

; )

; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

{Thanks So Much to Southern Iowa Pals, for helping Load,
 and loaning me a few more ratchet straps.}
; )

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Smokey and the Bandit Trans Am Introduction. The Start of my own Obsessi...

'Cause the Snowman is coming through!

Yep... When Time's are Tuff. ; )

When Time's Are Tuff...
Ya Find Out...
Your Friends Are.
; )
Who Has Your Back.
: )
{and... 'who' holds the knife. : ( }

Loved Seeing The Massive Twin Corner Cupboard post, 'memory'...
pop up, 
{Please excuse my spelling, and insane punctuation. 
; )
 Some Things... will Never Change.
 After all... I left school, 'early'.
 : ) 
no regrets.}
Those Amazing...
Corner Cupboards...
oh my.
They Were Stunning.

were, a bit awkward, and... heavy, too.

So Grateful... for Stephanie Walsh Brandenburg.
She and I... are Irish, and... quite stubborn.
: )
At times, I see Steph as my Sister, other times, as my Niece.
Patti Walsh Bailey, Steph's Mom, is like a Sister, to me.
Love Them Both...

We Simply Have to Keep Moving Forward, and...
Shoot for The Moon.
; )

Love to Ya.

Barb C.

{Nephew... Billy, called tonight. 
We're talkin' about a trip to Ireland.
oh my.
I've never in my life... wanted to leave America, 'Iowa'... 'Home'...
 to 'see'
The Conner's Came From!!}
: )