Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Everly Brothers - Let It Be Me(lyrics)

At The End...

oh my.

My Heart...
Will Forever Weep.

 learning this morning, of 
Skip Kryger's 'Passing', 
Dear Lord....
oh my.
: (

Patsy Cline - Always

Monday, October 14, 2024

Fall Harvest Sale... '24. History.

Fall Harvest Sale...


Thanks So Much... to Everyone Who Attended, 
 Those Who Brought Things!!

Picked away... inside The Rabbit Hole, when I could, throughout 
The Sale.
: )

Started writing this post... a couple of days ago.
{Love... the Vintage Wallpaper Rolls, I found... while diggin'. : ) }

So Much... Early 'Paper'. : )
The above... is a 1913 Cedar Rapids, Iowa... panoramic advertising piece.
Very... Cool.
: )

Sweet... little Fall Friend, paid us a Visit.

Moved the little Corner Cupboard in... yesterday.
Justin 'J' helped.
; )
Didn't take long to Fill It... at The Rabbit Hole.
: )

Was going to write... so much more, about the Painting...

the 'Gnarly'...
Crazy Quilt, I admired... again, yesterday....
as I was packing it away.

under the 1912 Quilt, are so Much Earlier.
: )


Received a call from Renate, {Bud's Beautiful... Soul Mate}
 as I was packing up.... things, yesterday afternoon.
She asked me if I could be with her... when ServPro.... meets with her at the 'Fire'... house, on Thursday.
'Walk Through'.
: (

Of Course.
<3 <3 <3 
that, kinda took the wind from my sails.

Is Absolutely Broken, for Renate.
She's Stronger Than She may Know.
oh my.
: )
She's Gonna Make It!
: )
Bud... will Always be Close...
 doesn't stand a Chance...
 keeping those two, apart.
<3 <3

I'd planned on putting most everything away, yesterday...

didn't happen, after Renate's call.

Last night, did so Much... reflecting.
Was thinking about The Western Movies, Dad... would take me to, after he... and Mom, divorced, in the late 1960's.

Dad... was homeless, when he left Mom.
He slept in his Truck.
 He'd rent a room at The Magnus Hotel, or... The Taft Hotel, in Cedar Rapids... for us... to share,
 on the weekends.
{have a Beautiful Doll... that one of the Ladies, who was a Desk Clerk, at The Magnus... 
made for me...
back then.
One... of the movies, Dad took me to, was 
'Once Upon a Time in The West'.

Some... might say, these days... maybe... those old Spaghetti Western's 
Dad... and I enjoyed, together...
: )

looking back,
for my
; )

Was planning to finish picking up... and, 
putting things... away, from The Fall Harvest Sale, this morning...
my phone rang.
 was soaking in a MUCH Needed Bath, when the android...
 Lit Up...
Long Time
contact image, 

oh my.
: (

This Day...

Grateful... to have spent several hours with My Dear Friend's... Son, today.
<3 <3 <3 
Have a Funeral... to prepare for, it seems.
: (

So Grateful...
for The Amazing Memories, and Stories.
; )
The 'Junkers', and 'Scrappers'... 
; )
What a Beautiful 'Ride'.
'Their Way'.
<3 <3 <3 

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

God Only Knows - BBC Music

OPEN... October 13 & 14, 9 - 6 Daily!!

MORE... Came Rollin' In, Yesterday!!
: )

Bill has been Unpacking Nonstop!!

; )

I've been Pickin' Away... at The Rabbit Hole.
: )
So Many... Cool Old, Old... Books!!

Had some of The Sweetest Folks... Stop By!!

Paul said... he HAD... to Bring Another Friend, to The Rabbit Hole!!
: )


At the end of the day, yesterday... sat under John's Old Oak...
 poured myself a glass of wine, in memory of Budwardo.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Marshmello, Kane Brown - Miles On It (Official Lyric Video)

Fall Harvest Sale... OPEN Thru MONDAY...!!

Baskets... Baskets... Baskets!!
; )

Pal, Jacey... brought in a LOAD of Baskets... and Stoneware, last night.
: )

We Discovered that Monday... October 14, is a HOLIDAY!!
; )
Columbus Day!!
: )
We're Gonna Stay OPEN Thru MONDAY!!
; )
Figured We're Set Up.....
Might as Well... Go One More Day!!
Why Not!!
; )

Bill keeps Unpacking.... More, and More... and MORE!!


Had some Sweeties from The Quad Cities... Visit.
<3 <3

was Surprised to See Our Cindy Lou, All The Way From Texas!!
<3 <3 <3 

It was a Lovely Day.... 
Filled with Lovely... Folks!!
: )

Fall Harvest Sale.. Day 8!!
Oh Boy!!

Friday, October 11, 2024

Alice in Wonderland- Mad Hatter's Dance "Futterwacken"

Fall Harvest Sale... Day 7 Here We Come!!

Our Very FIRST....
Fall Harvest Sale...
'Day 6'
; )

Miss Willow, and Miss Meadow.
<3 <3

Day 6... was Splendid.
: )
Absolutely Gorgeous!!

Maurina brought Another... 
Gnarly Pumpkin... and Much More!!
Everyone Brought Treasures!

I'm just posting 'Snippets'!!
The Lawn and Building's are FULL!!
; )

Spent the early part of Day 6...
Picking Away... at The Rabbit Hole.
: )
Mostly... going through Old... Old... 
The above... is Stunning, tho... the old leather cover, is a bit... ruff.
; )


Ran across a Cool....
'Poultry' Book.
; )

An 1870 Iowa Survey... Book, with Great Illustrations.
: )

Bill unpacked TONS yesterday.
The Vintage Beer Can...
; )

The above book, is a 1700's reprint... from the 1930's. 

Wish I could've captured an image of The Chicago Girl... above, as she was Squealing With Joy....
after purchasing The Gnarly Lamp!!
She did The Hatter's Futterwacken' Dance!!!
I Swear!!

Pal, Jacey....
 {A Beautiful Purpose, West Branch, Iowa }
Introduced The Chicago Girl... to The Rabbit Hole.
: )

It was a Lovely...
Day, on So Many Levels.
: )

Dear Pal....
Brandon, stopped out again.
He was here the other day.
: )
We Go Way... Back.

For some reason... many, really... 
this sale, has been an emotional one, for many of us.

I've never seen so many be brought to tears, inside The Rabbit Hole.
There's 'something' about that Soulful... little rabbit hole, that... brings emotions, to the surface, for some.

This is the first sale... here, ever... that Bud
{Renate's Antique Gallery}
 hasn't attended.
I've tried so hard... to not think about it, just... get through.
Evenings are incredibly difficult.
: (
Bud, and Renate... always, always... came to visit...
They'd bring wine... we'd sit under John's Old Oak.. or, if the weather was crappy, we'd shelter in the Gazebo...
or Hen House.
: )

Jacey...  really struggled. : (....

I've been good, until...
Pal, Brandon... was getting ready to leave.
Oh my.
Brandon... lost his Mom, not long ago.
They were Very Close.
With All of the Fairfax, and Iowa Department of Transportation...
BS, I've Not... been nearly as attentive to my Pal's, Fam... not to mention...
The Rabbit Hole.
: (...........

 pretty much... lost it, last night.
: (
Couldn't get the 'water' to shut off.
: (..................................
{our Heart's Ache for The Southeast, and All who are struggling, and suffering... }

a little weepy, this morning.
Bill... and The Crew, are holding down The Fort, while I write...
and get advertising done... this morning.
: )

I'm going to keep picking away... at The Rabbit Hole, today.
Like Jacey said... yesterday,
"How do you eat an Elephant??? 
; )
