Saturday, March 22, 2025
Turn... The Page.
This... Day, didn't go as planned, either.
{I'm... Not, Not... Not... a Cat Herder. : ) }
Won't get into Details, but...
this down time, today...
gave me a chance to go through
Over 4,000 images.
Didn't get through each, and every single one, yet.
Thought my phone, had lost... many, when it went down a few months ago.
: (
turns out...
The Images were Saved...
The above image... was captured, as I sat at my laptop, in our Kitchen.
Long, Long... ago.
I'd just learned... of a Young Man's... {Kid} who was a Friend of our Son's...
Mother, being killed... while turning into her driveway..
by, someone....
I'd heard, was texting, instead of driving.
: (
Friday, March 21, 2025
Herdin' Cats.
; )
That's the way This Day, has felt.
Seems, trying to get Folks All on One Schedule, well...
: )
is, pretty much like...
Herding Cats!
: )
This Day, didn't go anywhere close to
'As Planned'.
threw in the towel a bit early.
: )
As Scarlett, said...
{Gone With The Wind}
"I'll think about that tomorrow...
after all,
Tomorrow Is....
Another Day."
; )
Dear... Minnesota Pal, Rhonda {Douglas}...
posted the below today.
Cracked Me Up!!
; )
Had to send it on to Dear Friend, Gail.
: ) : ) : )
: )
Seems, more and more...
speakin' for myself,
; )
Easier... and Easier.
; )
oh... dear.
Rhonda... posted the one above, too, today.
{I've been Blessed to meet some Very Cool Folks over this 'Old Souls' Journey.
Antiques... and 'Junk'. : ) <3}
Had to cancel the Road Trip... with Pal, Allyson... and Friends, tomorrow.
Way Too Much... yet, to 'Button Up'.
Waaaaaay Too Many Cat's to Herd!!
; )
Southern Iowa... Kelly, who I bought the Huge Load from, yesterday...
texted me this morning... bright and early, wondering if we'd made it Home.
: )
I should've let Kelly know, last night.
Thanked Kelly, and his 'Crew'... for Their Help.
Assured Kelly,
Thanks to Him, and those Extra Ratchets, The Ford was Still...
Loaded Tight as a Drum at Home, in the drive.
: )
{That Ford... Could Fly to The Moon, The Way Kelly, and His Family.... Stacked... Racked... Packed, and...
Tied Down.
: )
Not... any of our 'First Rodeo's Loadin' a Truck.}
Dear Lord.
; )
Chicago... Ray, called this morning.
Had a Long Chat.
: )
Received a message from Lawyer, Josey Wales, this morning.
as well.
{Charles Meardon}
Josey Wales, has Top Priority... when the phone rings.
or... a text is received.
'The Rule of Law'
Everyone I know, 'Right/Left'...
Understands that.
They'd Better, because...
'The Rule of Law' is Lost,
is America, and...
Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.
Barb C.
Thursday, March 20, 2025
Road Trip. : )
Picked up a Nice... Load of 'Garden'... and Vintage 'Treasures' for
The Rabbit Hole...
Junk Jubilee.
{March 28 - 30...
The Fairgrounds, in Des Moines!!}
Pal, Dale... rode Shotgun.
: )
He Almost... had to walk home.
{The Ford's Cab... was Packed Tight... Too!!}
: )
Poor Dale, was Wrapped in a Fabulous Early...
Room Size... Vintage Rug.
: ) : ) : )
had enough room, to Grab Gears, and Shift The Ford.
: )
We Had Great Fun...
; )
Teeny... Tiny... Snippets of The 'Honey Hole'.
; )
Oh... my.
; )
I remember... John telling me Years ago...
when I'd come Rollin' in at Home, with a 'Load',
all he could say... while smokin' a Lucky, and shaking his head...
as me, and The Ford rounded the West Cemetery Road, and... Stallman Drive corner,
"The Gypsy's Home."
; )
; )
Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.
Barb C.
{Thanks So Much to Southern Iowa Pals, for helping Load,
and loaning me a few more ratchet straps.}
; )
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Yep... When Time's are Tuff. ; )
When Time's Are Tuff...
Ya Find Out...
Your Friends Are.
; )
Who Has Your Back.
: )
{and... 'who' holds the knife. : ( }
Loved Seeing The Massive Twin Corner Cupboard post, 'memory'...
pop up,
{Please excuse my spelling, and insane punctuation.
; )
Some Things... will Never Change.
After all... I left school, 'early'.
: )
no regrets.}
Those Amazing...
Corner Cupboards...
oh my.
They Were Stunning.
So Grateful... for Stephanie Walsh Brandenburg.
She and I... are Irish, and... quite stubborn.
: )
At times, I see Steph as my Sister, other times, as my Niece.
Patti Walsh Bailey, Steph's Mom, is like a Sister, to me.
Love Them Both...
We Simply Have to Keep Moving Forward, and...
Shoot for The Moon.
; )
Love to Ya.
Barb C.
{Nephew... Billy, called tonight.
We're talkin' about a trip to Ireland.
oh my.
I've never in my life... wanted to leave America, 'Iowa'... 'Home'...
to 'see'
The Conner's Came From!!}
: )
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