Sunday, April 22, 2018

UPDATE.... and, Thank You.

Much has been happening, over the last two weeks.
I've been posting on FB, mostly, because I can do that much easier, with my phone.
It's not easy, with that. 
Oh my. 
What would I do... without my Blogger, and FB Friends...
whom have kept me in Your Thoughts, and Prayers.
Oh my. 
Pal, Wanda... from Gatherings, in Anamosa, IA., knows a little more, than most....
She wanted to start a Go Fund Me, after my accident.
I, thought that was very kind, of her...
but, asked her to wait, I'd see what I could manage,
She didn't listen, and did it... anyway.
Oh dear. 
It was tuff... to swallow.
I, don't ask anyone... for money.
Everyone... has So Much...on their own plates.
I, will tell you... how Thankful... I Am, to Everyone, who contributed.
My back, is kind of against the wall.
I wasn't this worried, even... when John was ill.
I knew... I could pull the weight, for both of us.
After losing John, so suddenly, nearly...4 years ago..., now,
I lost a Huge... part of myself.
The wounds inside, that no one sees, are far more grotesque, damaging, and...debilitating ...than the ones I've recently endured.
When it's time to work... I can set that all...aside.
Mostly. ; )
Losing... my right arm, and leg... have left me physically, in trouble.
I can't work.
; )
I, can't even brush my hair.
; )
{tho, I do... adapt to obstacles...pretty quickly. 
When I tried to open my medicine bottle, with a child proof cap, it didn't take me git 'er done. }

 So, to those who have helped, through GFM, and... through sending such Beautiful Cards...
I, hope... somehow, some day... I can return the Wonderful, Kind...and Caring Gestures, and... 
Pay Them Forward.
I Love You. 
I want to Thank, Everyone...from my Entire Heart, for Keeping me, now...and...for a Long Time, in your Continued Prayers.
I Love You, All.
To Wanda, who has worried, and fretted about me, Thank You. 
I Love You... Too. 
She came and helped me pack, for Junk Jubilee.
Actually, Wanda PACKED...Everything. 
Bless her heart. 
I wasn't sure, how I was going to be do JJ.
I, just knew... I didn't have a choice.
Saturday evening, Daughter, Liz... unbeknownst to me...
had put a 'Dream Team', together.
She, and my 'surrogate' Daughter, Kristi...Long time Friend,  Stephanie Brandenburg, 
{ Frond Design Studios, Stephanie Brandenburg Fabrics } 
Steph, and me... a Million Miles, ago. 

and, Long time Friend, Wanda Tuetken, {Gatherings, Anamosa, Iowa. }
are putting the Simply Iowa, Junk Jubilee Booth, together.
I can't believe it. 
I'm... still, stunned. 
I, sat here... this morning, with my coffee, at the old harvest table,  
and... wept.
I'm so Blessed, by... so many, Wonderful...Wonderful... Folks.
I'm... brought to my knees...with Gratitude.
I'm going in for surgery in the morning, at Iowa City.
This is going to be a complicated surgery... they say.
If my leg, hasn't improved since Friday, when the surgeon last saw it.
He nearly cried... when he saw it.
He's going to reopen the wound, clean it out...and re suture.
this, was my leg, yesterday. I think it looks a lot better!!
this, was my arm... on Friday. It... doesn't look so good. I Pray... they can fix it. 

I'm Praying... it passes his inspection, in the morning.
I have so much more to tell you, but... I have so much get done, yet...tonight.
Have to be at IC, at 8 a.m.
Please... keep me in your Prayers.
They... matter. 
Love, and... Thank You, 
Each...and Every ONE...of You.
Barb C.  
{ To my Friend, KH... <3 I, words. The Lord...Knows. 
Thanks, to my Friends, that have called, and offered their help, to Load. <3
Thanks, to Justin, and Katie.... The Cindy's in my Life. : )
Son in Law, Adam... Micca, and the Entire Junk Jubilee Family, Patti, at Fern Hill...
I'm very... very... Blessed.
I could go on. I wish... I could. <3 }

Thursday, April 12, 2018


Once upon a time....
there was a girl, who lived down a rabbit hole, in land....
far, far...away, from most anyone's comprehension. 
; )
The Vortex.
Due to my accident, I find it very difficult to type.
My phone, is filled with Miss. Scarlett's stuff, so... no room, for videos.
Just wanted to give you an update.
I'm healing.
Still don't know if, or when.... they will be putting a plate on my broken arm.
Saw my Dr., on Monday...
he shook his head, said I was lucky to be alive.
My leg, is healing, well. Thankfully, no infection.
I will be at Junk Jubilee, in Des Moines, the end of the month.
I will be at Gold Rush, Mother's Day Weekend, in May.
I will be having The Memorial Day Weekend Sale, the end of May.
I'm still fighting the City of Fairfax, about the walking trail, along with the IDOT, who is wanting to take so much of our land, for the city's trail.
They will be 5 feet, in front of our home. Destroy everything we've worked all of our lives for, and... there's no doubt in my mind, lives...will be lost, probably children.
I told the council, long ago, when they lied to me... and said they were being forced by the DOT, had me chasing my tail, for months, that... I... will be the first casualty of their trail. Indeed, I am. 
My mind, has been consumed with worry, and frustration... because of them, for over a year.
I, have so much... on my mind, without them, they truly...had a hand, in sending me down those stairs.
They, are a Huge... reason, why.... Allyson knew, how much I needed to escape...
just, for a little while. 
I, don't know how.... I'm going to survive.
A Dear Friend, has helped me, get partially caught up. 
don't know where 
 I'd be, without her help.
My right side, is pretty much useless, for a while. 
I've been resting, and healing, this week.
I'm leaving this all... in God's Hands.
I will, keep forging ahead. 
Please, keep me in your continued Prayers.
I'm being hit, from every side. 
I Need... a Lot of Prayers.
; )
Love, to You...
Barb C.

{ I haven't been to the rabbit hole, since the accident, I'm going to make my way there, today...and try to get things goin'. ; )
just... being there, I know... will feed my spirit. <3
Hope, to see you, soon. }

Friday, April 6, 2018


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Blog video #3

Video blog #2

I'm checking in with youtube videos.

I'll be posting them, daily! Here!
to Ya.
Barb C.
Thanks, for your continued Prayers!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 2, 2018

The Adventure


This is the first time, since Friday, I can post.
It's nearly impossible.
I took a tumble, down the basement stairs, Friday evening, while doing laundry.
 I was in a hurry, and must have missed a step.
Broke my right arm, and put a 10 inch gash, in my right leg.
I'm going to post a few images, then... step out on  the porch, and take a video. 
Thanks, so much to Allyson... for bringing me on this Adventure!!!
and.... taking care; of me. 
Her Pal, Jess... for finding us such a Lovely....Place to stay!!!!
Thanks, to Daughter. Liz, for helping me out. 
I'll explain more, in the video.
I can talk, better than write. 
We are in Texas.... ; )
The images below, are of where we are staying, and have been, over the last two days.
Love to ya....
Barb C.

Thanks, Jess!
Thanks.... Allyson. <3 <3 <3