Sale Opens at 9:00 a.m.
Numbers at 8:30
The Family has walked through, for Approval...just this Evening...
The Children have decided that they would like these items.
A train set, all of the John Deere toys, the 1825 hand carved yoke,
along with 3 of the promo cars that came from their family business,
the Allen Motor Company.
Everything else pictured is still available.
Thank you for understanding.
These "things" can always be sold... but Family Pieces may never come back. <3
These are all family pieces and are staying where they belong.
The Allen 'Living' Estate Sale
4431 Sundance Drive, N.E.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
{off of Blairsferry Rd. N.E. }
October 19th thru 22nd.
9 a.m. 'til 6 p.m. Daily!
{No Early Sales.
but... We'll Stay Late...if Your Shoppin'! : ) }
Numbers at 8:30 a.m. on the 19th and 22nd.
{Everything will be Full Price, the 19th and 20th.
Most items, will be 25% off, on the 21st.
Most items, will be 50% off, on the 22nd.}
This is a 6000 sq. ft. Home, there is Lots...
: )
Many High End, pieces of Carpentry Equipment.
Like Brand New... 'Snap On' Tool Chest.
31 Foot, Airstream Travel Trailer.
{Needs, some repair.
It's only been used twice.
A tree limb fell on the rear. All the parts to fix it, go with it. }
'V' Snow Plow, and Chevy Truck.
Ladders, Gallons of Good Paint, and Stain.
Lots of Lumber.
Loads of Antiques, Vintage Toys, Quilts, Pyrex, Jewelry, Fabric,
1947 Singer, Electric Sewing Machine.
Several Bikes.
Newer...and Vintage.
Antique Picture Frames, Beautiful Vintage Glass, Italian Tole Chandelier,
Italian Tole Table Lamp.
Lots of Books, Vintage, and others.
Lots of School and Office Supplies.
Lots of ....Everything!
Complete Household!
Below, are a few images.
There are Several... 'Generations'... represented, here.
The Allen's...are packing up... Their Lives, as we are working...around them. <3
It's been get images. : )
Things... change... from day, to day.
I think... we're on The Home Stretch!
: )
There's Much More... that, I haven't had time... to capture. : )
{I've posted many more, on earlier posts. If you keep scrolling through earlier posts...
You'll See Bunches! }
Make Attend!
{Their Home, is Also... for Sale!!! : )
My Favorite... Realtor... Karen, is handling this, for The Allens.
: )
They, are in Great Hands!
She just SOLD, Bob's Home. <3
{The Sale... I did, in the Mansion, on Linden.
: )
Bob, sent me..this Picture. <3
I am Sooooo Happy, for Bob!!!! : ) : ) : )
and...Thankful... to Karen,
for Working...So Hard. <3
She's The Best! : ) <3 }
{you may also check this link, for hundreds of images... of The Allen's Sale. : ) }
Sale Opens at 9 a.m. Thursday, November 19th.
No Early Birds! <3
{Numbers, at 8:30 a.m. }
Cash or Cards...accepted.
This is a Framed, Hand Beaded Piece, that the Owner's Grandmother made, LONG....ago.
It will on sealed bid, as will be the Good Year Sign, and the Match Box Toys, that are still in their original packaging, from the 1960's. {there are 3 of them. }
There may be one, or two...other small items, that will be on sealed bid.
We'll be accepting the bids, until 6 p.m. on Saturday, the 21st.
They will be opened, and the Winning Bidders, will be notified, that Evening.
There is a Large Collection of American Fostoria.
Lots, of Pretty Glass. <3 |
Concrete Saw, and all sorts...of Equipment. |