Thursday, April 30, 2015
Load.... from What Cheer.... and.... Peg.
Found.... another.... darling.... little....'Sandbox....Toy....Truck'.... Love 'em. They remind me...of Dad... and John. Priceless. |
It was an insane.... morning.
Had so much to get done.... then... take a load of vintage concrete to What Cheer.
My Friend, Pat.... offered to sell some of it for me... in her booth. : )
{Liz...and Miss. Scarlett watched over the rabbit hole. : ) }
Pat and I... unloaded... then... I proceeded to 'shop'.... : )
bought a load... and have to go back... for another.
oh my.
It was Great... visiting... with everyone. : )
I bought the Coolest... Iron Pieces.... from my Friend, Sean.
{He and his Dad... always have 'The Cat's Meow'... stuff. : ) }
They are BIG... Iron Pieces... with Hearts... in them. They are dated from 1901.
Another Friend... helped me figure out what they are.
He thinks... they are the Roller... off of a Steam Roller.
I... think so... too.
I found the little Truck... with Jeff S. ... and another Pile... of neat stuff... from...
Jeff L.
I shopped... only with 'Friends'... this trip.
Money is tight.... and... if I'm going to 'buy'... I'll shop with them... first. : )
They all... had Great stuff... but... I could only spend... so... much.
{oh my.... if only... I were a wealthy woman.... : ) We'd All... be Rich! }
Bought Three... of these... Awesome Lights. {They are WAY Cooler... in person. : ) } |
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Look...what fell down The Rabbit Hole..... today. Oh..... my.
Thanks... So Much... to my Friend... 'Bare'...
for delivering... a mighty Fine Load... from Florida....
: )
Thanks... to Darlene.... for gathering a Fun...Bunch... of Vintage... Garden.... for me.
: )
oh my.
: )
LOVE... the Pier Mirror.
I was so busy today... I couldn't gather images... of the other... 'Treasures'.
The Shop will be Open....
Thursday thru Sunday....
11 'til 5.
The Rabbit Hole.... looks a lot... like the owner....
'a mess'...
it is... what it is.
: )
Come Dig...
: )
Love to ya....
Barb C.
{The 'Alice' tune... above... pretty much... says it all. : )
As I was listening to it....
Miss. Scarlett... tore herself away... from her Cartoons.....
in my bedroom...
came to my side....
and said....
"Grandma.... I Love... That...Music.... : ) ".....
oh my.
: )
oh... my. }
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
I simply... remember a few of my Favorite Things...
After... yesterday... and feeling so blue.
I woke up... in the night...
and... as Miss. Scarlett sings so....well....
"Let it go...".
: )
I gathered the mail... this afternoon, to find a card.
It was from a Lovely... Family... that had visited the rabbit hole, a couple of weeks ago.
I so enjoyed visiting with them.
I have so much fun... with Children.
I Love... to see them... take in... the rabbit hole.
: )
It's fun... to show the old treasures.... work, and were used.
Encourage them... to 'touch'. : )
Learn their interests....
They are always... always... so good. : )
In nearly 20 years.... I have never had a problem with a Little... Person.
any...person... of any the shop. : )
They sent me images, that their Great Uncle had taken...years ago...
He was a Photographer, from Mystic, Iowa.
He also worked in Chicago.
I would Love to see their collection.
This... made my day.
: )
I have several.... letters... tucked away... from Folks, I've met down the rabbit hole.... over the years.
They... are Priceless.... Gifts.
When 'things' go wrong.... and.. I scratch my head.... trying to understand....
I look through the Beautiful....Heartfelt...Gifts... of 'Word'...
from Little People...
and Big ones...
that have crossed my path.
: )
who... were so Thoughtful... to send... such.... Blessings....
that Forever....
Love to ya...
Barb C.
Junk Jubilee.....
Junk Jubilee... was Over the Top...
My Friend... Jo... told me... as she waited to get inside.... on Opening....
Folks were lined up... for three blocks... to get in.
oh my.
I can't Thank Bob and Jo... enough...for taking us into....their Home.
They took Great Care... of us.
Miccia Humphrey, her Family and Staff.... are also... Over the Top.
The Customers...and Fellow Vendors... were Awesome... as well.
It was Great.... all the way around.
Things Sold... like Crazy.... for Everyone.
There were Many... Happy Faces.
Lots of Energy!
People came from Far... away...
The Gnarly Old Windmill Head.... went to Indiana...
: )
I got teased.... as we carried it in.... several people asked if I'd had my tetanus shot....
: /
I said I'd handled this old rusty stuff.... for so long.... tetanus.... runs from me. : )
It was the first thing that sold.... on opening. : )
It was long days... and nights....
I reset the booth... daily.... brought in new things... every day.
Many did...
Thanks so Much... to Mark... Liz... Kelsey... Brandon.... and Scarlett....
for their Help.
Thanks so Much... to Jo... and Bob... for Helping....Lug Things. : )
Jo helped Fluff the Booth... the night before Opening...
She has quite a 'Touch'.
She and I did Nashville..... 'Heart of Country' together many years ago....
I met her... through the Rabbit Hole... as a 'customer'... way the day.
She and her Friend, Sharon... would come shop..... we had Much Fun.
Jo and I visited about that.
Jo... was buying, and decorating with what is called the 'Junk' look...long before... it was 'cool'.
I'm gearing down.... for a day or two.
Try...and regroup.
My body... mind... and soul.... need to regroup.
There was much... that slammed me in the face.... yesterday.
on so many.... levels...
I was 'tested'... and failed.
Then... talked to Peg.....
her.... little Chloe... passed away.
oh my.....
as tuff as things are.... around here....
I'm sure... Peg would have traded troubles with me.
I could find no words... to comfort her.
oh my.
oh my.
I'm going to work around here.... this week.
I was going to go look at some things... yesterday, that a Friend has... but... I couldn't find my feet.
I'll go... today.
He always has such... Lovely things. : )
He is a Sweet Heart. : )
I'm taking some things to What Cheer this weekend.
My Friend... Pat... {Privy House Antiques} asked if I'd like to bring a few pieces of Concrete to put in her booth.
{She's a 'Sweet Heart'.. too. }
: )
I'll have the shop open this Thursday thru Sunday.... 11 'til 5. ya.
Barb C.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Junk Jubilee... Here We...Come!
The Trucks... are Loaded.
{and... then some....}
oh my.
I spent the entire day... loading... concrete...
{Just bought two Massive Truck Loads.}
Then... unloading....
and reloading...
Concrete.... Tin....and Iron.
{Lots of Newly Gathered... Gnarliness... }
{fought 40 mph Wind Gusts... all day.
Yesterday... and the day before...too.
This... has been a tuff...load out. Thankfully.... it's not raining... or ten below.
We have loaded then...too.
yep... we're....
Livin' the Dream! : ) }
Just got my bags packed.... and am headin' for bed.
We Bug Out... at 5 a.m.
Show Opens... Friday Morn.
Runs through Sunday.
Located at the Fairgrounds... in Des Moines.
See ya there!
{The rabbit hole will be Closed this weekend....
Open Next Thursday thru Sunday 11 'til 5 Daily!}
Love to ya....
Barb C.
{Peg's little Chloe.... is doing a bit
The swelling in her little face... is down....a bit.
They are afraid... it's cancer.... in her eye.
: ( : ( : (
but... with the swelling going down... with the massive antibiotics....
I... Hope.... it's just some.... rare... infection.
The Kids... are watching over Polly.... and the House...
this weekend.
I... so hate... to leave her.
Keep those Wings.. Poundin'.
We need a Great Show... there is Much... comin' down the pipeline.
oh my.
<3 <3 <3
I'll keep you updated the best I can.... on fb.
Simply Iowa.
<3 <3 <3 }
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
One Load... down..... one... to go.
The Big Truck... is Loaded... for Junk Jubilee.
Just have to load Iron and Concrete....on The Ford... tomorrow.
Thanks.... so Much... to Liz and Miss. Scarlett.... for the Helping....
I... am... Blessed.
: )
Love to ya...
Barb C.
{Junk Jubilee this Friday through Sunday. }
{Prayers.... to Peg... tonight.
Her little Beloved.... 4 legged Best Friend... Chloe... is very ill.
oh my....
Peg and I....wept...together... on the phone.... this morning.
I...don't know... how Peg... could get through... if she lost her.
oh my.
My... Polly... is well.
So many of my Friends... are struggling with illness...and loss.... of their Beloved...
Four Legged Best Friends....
To those... who aren't Animal Lovers....and can't understand.... so sorry...for you.
To those.... who Love them..... and feel the Unconditional... Love... that Only an Animal.... can Give....
I... feel... sorry... for you.
: ( : ( : (
You... will... and have... endured... immeasurable... loss.
I feel... the sorriest... for those... who have never... loved.
There is so much... 'wrong'.... in this World.
People... Humans... suffering.
My Heart... aches... for all of them.
but... my Heart Aches... as deeply... for our Beloved... Critters.
you see...
They will Love You... when a Human... won't.
Peg knows it... John...knew it... I.
I read...once....
"There was only one Man... who walked this Earth...
with the Unconditional Love... of a Dog.
He's been gone... a couple thousand years."....
They carry us... through the Storms.
The Angels... that never leave our side.
Pure... of Heart.
Gifts.... from God.
: ) }
Peg... Chloe... and Michael.
They are... Inseparable.
<3 <3 <3
Me... and my Best... Friend. |
Sunday, April 19, 2015
one step... at a time. {sometimes... only inches.... }
Thanks... to everyone who popped in... this weekend.
{Dave and Shelly...{Hoppy's in La Porte City, Iowa }
They... are such... Gifts.... <3 }
: )
It's quite an adventure...down the rabbit hole... these days... to say the least.
: )
I've been working... on things... here and there....
at a snails... pace.
I have been so sick.
Early last week... I came down with a nasty sinus infection....
it's in my lungs.
I am so worn out... it's all I can do... to climb out of the morning.
I've had Friends... call... and... I don't even have the energy... to talk.
For so long... my mind.... has kept me down....
now.... my body.... betrays me.
When I look around the rabbit hole....
I just want to cry.
There is so...much... to be done.... but... I don't have the energy..... to begin.
I've gotten to the point... that...I really don't care.
There's nothing I can do about it... anyway.
It is... what it is.
Thankfully... those who have come through... have been...Wonderful...
: )
The shop will be closed the 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th....
I'll be at Junk Jubilee... at the Fairgrounds in Des. Moines.
See ya there....
: )
Love... to ya.
Barb C.
{It's Pouring... Rain... here... tonight.
It's so heavy.... it looks like Fog.
oh my.
bring it on....
In Iowa....
we say...
with the Blessed Spring... and Summer Rain....
"That's What Makes the Corn... Grow. : ) "
to some...
in Iowa...
It's just another...
tomorrow's another... day.
I'm thirsty.... anyway....
: )
bring it...on. }
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I was moving things around... this afternoon.... I LOVE.... the Red Winged Blackbird's Nests.... that Charlie's Farmer Friend gave me. memories. : ) |
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Love these little footed Ice Cream servers. They came from Michael's ... in Rochester. |
Friday, April 17, 2015
Love... to ya.
I wrote a Long post....
this evening.
Posted it......
deleted it.
{it was a good one.... : ) }
The below tune....
says it all.
: )
Thank You....
: )
Every... Single....
of You.
: )
A Friend... said.... today....
as she was walking away....
"I miss you."....
: )
I miss... 'me'... too.
: )
like Arnie said...
"I'll... Be... Back....."
: )
I will...
I simply... have to find.....
my breath.
: )
Love to ya...
: )
Barb C.
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Thank You.
I captured these images.... as I was closing the doors... for the night.
oh my....
: )
I want to Thank... Everyone... who stumbled their way... through....
the rabbit hole... this weekend.
: )
I have battled a toothache... for two weeks.....
thought I could make it through... until next week.....
I...couldn't function.
The University got me in... on Friday.
{The Molar... didn't want to leave...
It took two Dentists... over an hour... to extract it. broke... and they had to cut it out.
My mouth... is full of sutures... and..frankly... I am...a mess.
Seems like the rabbit hole... and myself...always reflect one another... }
Thank God.... Liz.... came out... and made some Headway.....
down the rabbit hole... while I was at my appointment.
I knew... with the weather... {Storms...Wind and Rain}...
I wasn't going to be able... to get the tent up....
{or...Trucks... unloaded...}
We have lost two tents... in three years.... I can't afford... to buy another.
I didn't even advertise this... 'soft' open house.....
it was known only....
here... on fb..... and through a couple of fellow antique dealers.... spreading the word.
May God... Bless You. : ) : ) : )
Honestly.... I am in trouble.
I Needed this Open House.... to pull us up.
I had so 'little'...of myself.... to give.
Last week... when things looked... mighty dim......
I threw my Hands... in the Air....
Told The Lord.... to Shower me... with Blessings....
We Need Them.
oh.... my.
: )
He Did.
: )
{I sold 3 times.... what I took in... at the show....away from home...we did last Fall. }
{if you could see this mess... you would say...
{We aren't out of the woods... yet... but...
oh my....
at least... I have an ax.... : ) }
He sent... such Beautiful.... Angels.
: )
So Many... I have never met... before.
Young...Folks.... {and...Children : ) }....
: )
{some... reminded me... of my Mom. <3 }
They dug their way.... through....Shopped... and Shopped.....
said they Loved... Everything.....
: ) : ) : )
I wouldn't change...a Thing.
: ) : ) : )
{oh my..... : ) but...I will.... : ) }
He also sent... some of His 'Best'... Angels.....
: ) : ) : )
The ones.... who have always... always... been so near.... and Dear.
oh my......
My 'Beloveds'.....
oh my.
: )
Before.... I began to write this 'post'....
I was trying to figure out....
a way... to convey....
where my Mind... is...
these days.
I...don't think... too many of you... can understand...
what I... can compare.... 'this'
'all'... of 'this' to.
Have you ever been... in a Fight. ?
a Fist Fight.
: )
Do you know....... what it feels like..... when
the opponent has landed a Hard Blow...{unexpected }
Up Side of Your Head???
{I'll call it a 'Sucker Punch'.... or..... being... 'Blindsided'....
or... a 'Hit... from...
Out of Left Field'...
: )
is where.... I'm at.
Where... I have been.... for months.
I 'know'... this.... 'whirlwind'
: )
and...I try....
oh my....
to scramble.... to my feet.....
: )
but.... it takes a Whole... Lot... of Strength...
from the Gut....
{not the 'mind'.... because.... It... and the Heart....
are... Broken... Melted... like a Marshmallow..... on a stick...
in a Bonfire.
Worthless.... and Soft. }
The Gut... will.... push you through....
but... don't expect... to carry on a conversation... with me.
: )
The Mind... is... toast.
for the record...
I have been in fist fights....
when I was young......
{I have always... Fought... for the Underdog... Always... Will. }
When someone... lands a Blow... on the side... of your head....
you do.... see.... little blue birds.
: )
Your Mind.... Scrambles.... to Find....
'Up...and Down'....
I got hit... in the face... with a Ball time.....
I thought... I'd lost... my head.
I got hit... on the top of my head.... with a run away... handle...
from a Wrecker's Winch.....
split my head.. wide open....
it... threw me... to the ground....
I have Never... been dropped... so hard....
as I have been...
these last... many months.
have I Ever... been... so Very... Blessed.
oh my.
Thank You.
Each.... and Every One... of You.
: ) : ) : )
Love You.
Barb C.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
The Rabbit Hole... is Open Sunday.... 11 'til 5.
Thanks... so much.... to All who Visited today. : )
It was soooo Good... to see Friendly... Faces.
: ) : ) : )
Ones... that through the Insanity... found... solace.
{and.... a lot of Fun... Diggin'... : ) }
: )
{My Kinda Folk.... }
: )
I'll Open in the Morning.... at 11.
I want to run to the Midwest and Collector's Eye Shows....
in Cedar Rapids... {they open at 10.}
{at the Hawkeye Downs Fairgrounds. }
but... I'll be back.... by 11.
{I run Fast... when I have to. : ) }
Hope to see ya....
to ya.
Barb C.
{Had some Friends... over for Supper.... that are set up... at The Collector's Eye Show.....
oh my........
They said.... the Shows... are Over The Top!!!
I can't Wait... to see them.
Don't Miss 'em.....
They are.... Incredible. <3 }
Open Today! 11 'til 5!
The Shop is Open Today!
11 'til 5!
{and Sunday! }
101 Williams Blvd. Fairfax
Located on Highway 151
{exit 248 is closed... off of 30...
take 250
{The Fairfax exit. : ) turn left....go about two miles... then right on to 151...
I'm on the curve...{3/4 of a mile...} where the '49 Ford Panel Truck sits!}
Come Dig!
Liz and Miss. Scarlett helped.... yesterday....
{Bless their Hearts <3 {I was in Iowa City... getting a tooth pulled. oh dear. }
there aren't quite as many 'Piles'... to dig through...
: )
but... there are Plenty.
: )
Due to the Crazy Wind...and Weather.... I am not putting a tent up.
I WILL be putting one up... soon... and will be Open.... Thursdays thru Sundays....
from now on. {Unless I'm at an Event }
{Maybe... more..... until Junk Jubilee
{April 24th, 25th and 26th in Des the Fairgrounds! }
Hope to see ya!
Love to ya...
Barb C.
{phone 319 241 1348 }
{phone 319 241 1348 }
Thursday, April 9, 2015
If it Will.... it will... If it Won't.... it won't.... If it Does... it does.... If it Don't.... it don't.
: )
The Best.....
part of my day.... was having Peg... stop by.
: )
{and... lovin' on the Fish.... <3 }
Peg... and I talked... standing at the Ford.....
we walked into the rabbit hole.
: )
Peg... stood... and looked around...
then... fell... into my arms....
oh my.
The rabbit hole... reflects the hatter.... and the mad march hare.
: )
{always has... }
She said... "We used to have such.... Wonderful Times... here. : ) We truly did...."
: )
the rabbit hole....
Peg...and myself.... look a little... 'tuff'... these days.
oh my.
None of us have been able to function... for a long... long... time.
{The Crazy thing... the folks... who have popped in...
That have had to Climb... over stuff...and Dig....
{and bought.......}
Don't want me to change a thing.
? ? ?
{oh my....
? ? ? }
I am working... with two broken molars....
my face... is a mess....
haven't slept.... well.... for a couple of weeks.....
{I'm getting one... maybe... two... teeth extracted... tomorrow. }
It's taken all.... I have... to do... anything... 'well'.}
so... the bottom line...
It Is....
What it Is.
: )
I'm turning Everyone...Loose....
and... letting 'em...
: )
{I'll sit by the Fish.... throw in... another head of Lettuce. : )
They... Love....It!!!
Like the song says....
If it Will... it will.
If it Won't... it won't....
If it Does.... it does....
If it Don't... it don't.
Some days... are Good some bad.... ya know...
That's the way... it goes.
: )
No one... has ever had Control.... over this Old World....
don't ya know.... : ) }
Love to ya...
Barb C.
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I got the Porch... set. Flowers... planted... here and there..... : ) |
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: ) : ) : ) |
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There is soooooo Much.... outside. oh my. |
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The Fish.... Made My Day.
oh my....
How They... have Grown.
I rescued them...from walmart..... a couple of years ago....
they were about two inches long.
The Biggest one... must be 16 inches.
: )
I about died... a couple of months ago.....
when the fountain sprayed water out... it froze.... and depleted the tank....
{heated with 2 Stock Tank Heaters...}
to about 4 inches.
oh my....
oh my....
Barbara... was Hauling Butt.....
Calling...{Experts...} as She was
I couldn't breathe.....
It was below zero....
as I was Frantically... trying to unroll... new hoses...
{not easy... when they hit the sub zero temps...}
with a digital {meat } thermometer... in my pocket....
making SURE... I wasn't changing the water temp... by too much... while trying to add fresh water... to the Tank...
oh my...
oh my...
To see they ALL.... Survived....
is such a Gift.
I read... where they Love... Lettuce.
I tied a Hunk... in the tank...
oh my...
: ) : ) : )
They... had a Field Day!!!
: ) : ) : )
They... will be getting this Treat....
: )
{The funny thing....
There are Flash Flood warnings.... going off... on my phone....
The Fish... will be Fine.
: (
oh my....
He... and his pasture... are at risk.
I'm heading to listen to the Weather.
I Pray... for Gentle... Streams......
: )
oh... my. <3 }
{The funny thing....
There are Flash Flood warnings.... going off... on my phone....
The Fish... will be Fine.
: (
oh my....
He... and his pasture... are at risk.
I'm heading to listen to the Weather.
I Pray... for Gentle... Streams......
: )
oh... my. <3 }
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