Thursday, July 4, 2019

Happy Independence Day!

Open Today....
101 Williams Blvd. 
Fairfax, Iowa.

You're a Dreamer...
a Wisher, or Liar,
a Hoper, a Pray-er...
a Magic Bean Buyer.
If, You're a Pretender, 
Come....Sit, by my Fire.
We have some Flax, of Gold...
To Spin.
Come in...

Found the Poem above, written by Shel Silverstein, several years ago...
I, may not have remembered it, quite right....when I wrote it down.... several years ago, but...
it's pretty close.
: )
It reminds me of the rabbit hole.
: ) 
I'll be there, through Sunday!
What a Mess, I'm In!!!
It's So Hot....
Thanks, to the Boys, got the tent up... and several pieces unloaded.
Then, early afternoon, I had to load much, back up.
Storm came through..... and nearly took the tent down. 
Oh Boy!!!
Thankfully, Brandon was here....
 We Hustled!!!
I'm gonna try to keep making some strides, today.
Heading there now.
{After...I have a liitle Coffee. : ) }
Stop by, and Dig....
Bring Your Water Bottle!
It's Toasty!!!
Love, to Ya!
Barb C. 

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