Monday, February 18, 2019

All The Kings Horses....

Daughter, Liz...gave me this little Humpty Dumpty Box, for Christmas.
: ) 
We'd agreed not to exchange gifts, this, last....Christmas.
The little box, brought a my face.
It, was her Dad's...Wonderful...Dry....Sense of Humor, shining through...
as I gazed at it. : ) : ) : ) 
A... Whimsical...little reminder, of my 'Fall', down the basement stairs, in March.
{John... would've given me this. <3 : ) : ) : ) }
What, really....took my breath away, was when I opened the tiny box.
Inside... was the Ring, John gave me...on another Christmas Day... decades ago.
It, took my Breath..away, that Christmas Day, as well. 
John, and I...didn't exchange gifts, at Christmas....very often.
{Socks, Tee Shirts...M&M's...Razors... : ) } 
We, bought for The Kids. <3 
John...handed me a package, that Christmas....I smiled...when I opened it.
It was a can of Pringles Potato Chips!
I, Graciously...Thanked him... <3 
Then, he said...
'Aren't ya gonna open it???" 
{I was Sure...a Prank...of Some Sort, was Going to Shoot Out of That Can... 
and Hit me Square...on The Forehead!}
I, carefully opened the can...Bracing...for Impact...
to find this Beautiful...Beautiful...ring. 
<3 <3 <3 
John, Loved....Rubies. 
The ring he had given many years before....had been stolen.
We never could afford to replace it, and... frankly, I...didn't need it. <3 <3 <3 
When Liz took me to the Hospital, they took my rings off of both hands.
I, didn't put her shoes, until many months...later. 
I, always...took care of my Mom, and...have made many Hospital runs, over the years.
This...was my Daughter's...First, run. 
She's never had to help me get dressed.
What she walked in on...that night, must...have been very difficult.
I, quiet, she she drove me to the Hospital.
I, remember her telling the receptionist... that they had to get me in, right away...
because there was blood all through the house, and...she didn't know where it was coming from.
I, looked at my arm....and, wondered...what, and... who, she was talking about.
My, arm...was a mess. wasn't bleeding.
I, had no leg was cut to the bone.
I'd crawled through the house, to get to my phone....and, left a trail. 
Liz, put my rings on, at the hospital. 
I saw her wearing the one, her Dad gave me...weeks later,
 and, didn't have the Heart, to ask for it back.
I, knew...she would, when...she could. 
I was Shocked...when I opened...that little box. 
Just like, the First Time.
I, never...expected, that. 
: )
I don't know...what made me think of the trailer, from 'Through the Looking Glass', today.
{posted below}
I was thinking about it, again... a little while ago, again... and thought of The Little Box.
I'm so sorry...that Liz, had to go through what she did.
I had no idea... how bad it was. I, just...knew, for some reason...I couldn't stand.
Didn't think...I could make it to the car. 
Had I known... what a Mess, 'Humpty Dumpty'...left, I would've never called her.
She's Quite...The Gal.
Much...her Father's Daughter. 
<3 <3 <3 
Such a Gift. 
<3 <3 <3 
Love, to ya...
Barb C. 

<3 <3 <3 
It makes me so Proud, to See...what an Amazing Woman, and Mother...she is.
<3 <3 <3 
she'll...always...always, be...
My Little Girl. <3 
What...a Beautiful...Gift, God Sent Us.
<3 <3 <3 
<3 <3 <3 
<3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3 
<3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3 
<3 <3 <3 
<3 <3 <3
{The Whitney Houston Tune... above, reminds me...of my Dad. <3
He, was an Amazing...Father. <3  Dad, could've written that tune.
He, went through Hell, as a child.
He...made Sure, His...Children, didn't.
The Best...he could. <3 }
me, Dad. <3
He was 50 years old, when I was born.
I feel so Blessed, to have had This Man, for my Dad.
I only wish,
Our Children...
could've 'Known' Him.
Thankfully, Our Children...have, an Amazing...Father, as well.
<3 <3 <3

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