Friday, July 7, 2017

Angels... with 2x4's.

The 'Old Glory' Open House...
It was laid back...
Easy Goin'.
: )
The Shop...was a mess, was too hot, and, I...was too care.
: )
No one...else did...either. : )
Folks, dug around...found some Fun...stuff, and Visited.
I met so many...interesting Folks. <3
Enjoyed the Evenings, with Folks, and Friends.
It, was 'Good'. 
Thanks, to Everyone...who stopped by, and didn't mind...that I sat in the Old Rocker, under the Shade Tree, while they shopped. : )
I'd have another Open House, early August, and... have everything, like...I Hoped, I could have had it, this time.
We'll see. 
Some Folks, stopped by, that have retired....
that have a 6500 sq. ft. Home...
filled, with their things, their Parent's things....
They said... they've never thrown anything away.
They...are moving.
They want me, to come over...and see...if I can help.
: )
I, may be very busy.
Pal's, Bill...and Brandon...helped me take the tent down, and put everything away...
this morning.
Just, as I was getting ready, to settle up...with Bill, the phone rang.
It, was Daughter...Liz.
She has her old Home...rented, well...had it rented.
That place has several buildings, and sheds...on it.
In one shed, she had things stored...that she couldn't take to Adam's and her, new Home.
She, told the young man...who was renting, that she had things, that were that shed, and not to get in it.
{Washer, Dryer, Materials...for the House...and...
An 1860's Harvest Table, that John had put tin on. John, worked on it...for days. <3
 I loaned it to Liz...It was be Sold.
Liz, didn't have room for it, her new Home. No dining room, and the kitchen is very small. }
She had to evict, the young man....a few weeks ago.
He's nice Guy...or, so...I had heard.
Had too many Irons, on the Fire...
She told me, during our conversation...The Table...was gone.
{I thought, this young man...was using it. I had no problem...with that, as long as he took Care...of it. Then, I found out, he never used it, it was her shed. }
I, about...lost it.
I wanted his number.
then, messaged him. Mine...and Travis's...conversation, that spanned...the afternoon.
I, swear...I had an Angel, on my shoulder.
I doubt, he'd understand, how much...this hurt...
Somehow, it doesn't matter.

These, are a few, of the message exchanges.
I'm...not angry.
I, honestly...feel sorry for the Guy.
I'm sure...they were having a Big Party, and were scrounging for things, to burn...
His friends, probably...went where they shouldn't....and saw the old Table...
It just...breaks my heart.
I sat here, the other day...after being told....and wondered, where I they were destroying...
that...wonderful...old...Table, that John had so carefully...repaired.
I'm glad...he told me the Truth.
If... he would have lied to me....
{A neighbor, told Liz, he thought, he saw them burning a night. I, was in Hopes, that wasn't true. }
We exchanged...much more, in texts.... mostly, me telling keep looking up, and hope...he finds 'Faith'.
He said...he realized, he'd made many mistakes.
I, thanked him...for his honesty.
{That, took guts. }
I, told him... you only make mistakes, when you don't learn anything...from them.
If, you make them, there are Angels, with 2x4's....that'll keep dropping you, to your knees, until...ya 'get it'.
Told him... I've picked a lot...of Gravel, from my knees, over my life. Still do.
Liz, was surprised...he even answered my texts.
I, wasn't.
I...knew...he would.

I'm going to keep this Kid in my Prayers.
He, has a little Girl, that he Loves...dearly.
From what Liz, has told me... he has a Good Heart.
I, think so...too.
He told me... The Truth.
That...says...a Bunch.
and, that...
'Saved' him.
That, 'Saved', too.
Love, to ya...
Barb C.

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