Sunday, November 29, 2015

Well.... The Tree Needs One...More... Day.

I had Hoped... to have The Tree Done.... today.
I frittered my Morning away.
Today... was my Brother, Larry's... Birthday.
I can't remember when... in my life... 
I didn't call him... to Wish Him...
Happy... Day. 
He's been on my mind... so much.
Thanksgiving... was ruff.
We didn't spend much time together... over the last few decades.
I'll never... forget my First Thanksgiving... on my own.
He... was... kind of on his own...for the First time...too... that year.
We spent it... 'Shared' it... together.
oh my. 
Miss. Scarlett... helped me out today...
She worked on the bottom 3 feet... of The Tree...
{Thank God... for Little People! <3 <3 <3 }
I... worked on... the top...9.
oh my.
It should be done... tomorrow.
: )
Finishing Touches... 
Clean Up. 
oh my. 
: ) 
Love, to ya...
Barb C. 
{We were listening... to Christmas Music... on the radio... as we worked.
The above song... came on.
I had to find a seat.
I...Love... that tune.
I sat...
and Stared... at that Beautiful... almost...done...
'Memory Tree'.
oh my.
If... this... 'Addition'... John and I built... could play a tune...
It... would play The Above...
'Pachelbel... Canon in 'D'.
Year... Around. : ) <3 }
That's why... I Insisted... on The Cello... this year.
{Liz... So...Didn't want it... in The Tree. {it's not easy... putting a Cello... in a Tree.}
The Old Cello...seems to be the 'wink'... from our Surroundings.
or... maybe...
It's My Wink...
Our Surroundings.
What a Gift...
Each.... and Every... 'Fragment'...
<3 <3 <3
: )

oh my....
: )

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