Tuesday, March 25, 2014

He's No Stranger... to The Rain...

I have had a lot..... of time...
to think...
the last many weeks....
When I posted John's Homecoming... on fb.
I wanted to attach it...to a song...
I...immediately thought of the one... posted above....
John...is No Stranger... to The Rain....
I... thought about...his life....
the Trials... and Tribulation....
from long before... I was born....
This Man..... has always...
Danced... Through Hurricanes....
: )
Ruff Roads.... Mountains....
{I could write a Novel... on what John...has had to deal with.... from the time he was a child....but... you'll never hear him... complain.... ever. }
oh yeah....
it doesn't stand...a chance.
The only line.... I have a problem with.... in this song...
concerns.... 'Brothers'....
John's Brothers.... have been His Rock.....
through this....
{Including... Cousin Duff... {his 4th Brother... : ) and, Son...Justin.... : )
oh my.... }
You put John... Justin... Donald... Chuck.... Ken..... and Duff.... together...
all I can say to cancer.....
"RUN!!!!! RUN!!!! RUN!!!!!"
you throw in a Devoted Daughter.... like Liz....
{John refers to her as his... 'Ziva'.... {from NCIS} : )
oh dear... : ) }
And The Rest.... of His...Loving Family.....
: )
there's me...
{I've been known to 'rumble'... a time or two.... for 'the cause'....}
seriously... ?
the ones... I... lean on... so Hard....
Our... Friends... and Neighbors....
along with...the Ones.... whom... I have never seen a face....
only... your... Heart....
You are All....
The Ones....
I call...
'My Angels'....
: )
God... Bless You....
You... Carry Us....now....
You...Send...The Power....
The Prayers....The Light...
The Positive....
That Bends... The Ear.....
of The Almighty....
: )
Thank You....
: )
I have had...many... folks asking....
'What are they saying.... what are his chances....?'
All I can say... is....
"I don't care... what they say.... or...give a moment's thought.... to their 'opinion'..."
I won't...speak of it... think of it... or...
put it... into words....
{Peg was told... recently, if she had asked, two and a half years ago...
'how long'
they would have said....
"weeks.... maybe... months"....
that was at Mayo....
They are Shocked........
by her Progress......
{at Mayo!!! oh my! }
You see...
Prayers.... Light.... and Positive Thinking....
God Bless... You...
Thank You....
Love You....
Barb C.


Cindy said...

Barb-thought of Tom's favorite quote when I read your blog tonite.Had to share it:
When you come to the edge of all the light you have known and are about to step out into the darkness, FAITH is knowing one of two things will happen..There will be something to stand on or You will be taught how to fly! I'll keep my angel wings flapping 24/7 for you guys!

Simply Iowa said...

Love It....and So... True.... : )
Give that Tom...a BIG Squeeze.... for me... : )
Love you too.... Cindy...and Thank You....
For Everything.
Barb C.