Thursday, January 9, 2014

Well.... Blogger images are still down....

It's not just me... it seems that many are effected...
I'll be posting images on Facebook...
{ Simply Iowa }
Youtube, will download...
maybe I'll start posting videos, instead of images?
we'll see...
I worked in John's Shop... this afternoon...
and am pulling a Very... Sweet Load together, for the Anamosa Show, on the 19th!
I scrubbed and waxed, several Fun...Old Farmhouse Cupboards... along with some Great Dibby Dabbies!
I ran into town, today... to grab some groceries...
I also... invested in a scale...
I...Don't.. Ever... get on a scale...
When I used to go to the Junk Yard... and Feed Store... I'd Walk... Completely... around them...
{didn't want anyone standing inside... to know... how much I weighed...}
oh my...
I climbed on it... this afternoon...
and just about...
My Diet... Has Started!!!!
I told John.... I wouldn't be eating... any meals...with him...
{he can eat Anything... and Everything... and always...stay the same...}
I HAVE to get some of this off... before Nashville...
It's a Hard Show... to set up at...
{of course... any show I do... is difficult... You are on your feet... on concrete... for at least... 14 hours... a day... not to mention... Lugging... and Toting...and I take... BIG STUFF!!! It would be like carrying a fifty pound bag of corn...and a 25 pound bag of dog food... over my shoulder... then... lift... a 200 pound... Cupboard...or piece of Concrete Statuary... I Gotta Lighten...the Load! {and...I won't stop buying... Big Stuff... so... I better Get On It! }
I told John... I need to lose 30 pounds... this month....
It's going to be... tuff...
but... I have to... or my body... won't stand the strain...
High Protein... Low Fat.... and Lots of Exercise...
Water... No Night Caps...
I don't know... why... I don't pay better attention...
Now...I need to lose... 75 pounds...
I know... when I get stressed... I eat...
{when...I'm Happy... I Eat!... oh my... }
I Love...Food...
All Food...
Veggies... Yep!
Junk... Yep!
I stopped at a Store, that had Smoked Tuna in the pouch...
for .50 each...
: )
Guess what I'll be eating... for the next year... : )
{I'll also... be weighing... daily... and... bringing in...a full length mirror...}
I'll keep ya posted...
I've done it before...
I can always take it off...
it's... keeping it off...
I have a Very... Hard...Time... With....
Pray for Me!
Love to ya!!!
Barb C.
{I won't this time... how much I weigh....
but... if your a Farmer... you'll understand this...
at my weight...
if...I were a Pig...
and you were selling me...
You'd get Docked...
oh... dear!
I ran into a Friend... at the store... and was rattling on... about my diet... as I was filling the cart...with Smoked Tuna...
{I talked him...into some... too! It was a Great Deal! }
He said... "I don't know what you are worried about... You look Great, to me..."
I Threw My Arms Around Him!!!
The above song... seemed...
Perfect... : )
Love It!

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