Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Mt.Vernon Show... in one word... "Awesome"....

As...I Greeted...Folks...yesterday...and Thanked them...for the Show.... I thought...
 I must...'Tip My Them'...So...This Morning...I am Doing...Exactly...That....
Thank Everyone....Who Shopped the Shows...Purchased..or Not...
 Thank You...For being so Brave....and Wonderful..for Supporting...All of Us...
with...No Complaints...
This Comes...from the Bottom of my Heart....
I Hat....To You... ways...
The Budding...and Growing Show...
Had a lot...stacked against it... this year..
The in the middle of the week...
Some Customers had to travel attend...
Many...worked the day before the Fourth..and go 
There have been 'Heat Warnings'....Everywhere...
{the Bank sign...on the edge of Mt.Vernon said 108... around 3:00...yesterday... I think it was high... I haven't heard how hot it was...{didn't want to know... but...I would guess...around 100...}
As Mark and I set up... It was hot... but we had...Amazing Help...
His Girls....Kelsy...Sara...and Shannon...I had....Josh.. Travis...and John...
We set up...Fast...Awesome!!!!
Tent Up...and Stuff...Out!
Mark and I stayed 'til about 9...'fluffin'!
I had shopped hard...early...on the third... in Mt.Vernon.... Stayed Out...of any air conditioning...{it kills me going in and out... If I am acclimated to the heat...I can take it... but..if I get in air...for anytime... it's all over! Just give me a little shade... a breeze...and...water....I'm good!
I will have to admit... {and am ashamed to...}
Mark and I talked...during set up....and the Show... Early...on the Fourth...
If...we saw the weather warnings....would we shop the shows....
Both of us...said..."probably...not"...
and...if...we did... we'd be there by 6 a.m.... and 10....
I had a Good Feeling...about the Show...tho...I would be a 4 hour Show... all done by 10...or 11....
Mark and I were Stunned...
We Had Crowds!!! All Day... and kept selling as we were taring Down!
I kept Thanking people...for coming....
No One...Complained...about the Heat....
Our Customers...are AWESOME!!!!
They kept offering to Bring US...anything we needed....!!!
Even the other Dealers... Never Complained!
They are Awesome!!!
The Promoters...{who I love... Kim and Glen...} had helpers...offering us...whatever we needed...tho, we had our own water...{and shared well with Folks...} they were handing out cold water.... to everyone....
They are...AWESOME!
I am not....happy with myself...
I knew it was going to be a good show... was going to be a short one... and put out very few smalls...
I was too pull them off the truck... and put them out....
I had no AWESOME.... our Customers... would be...
so... I feel like I let them down...
I should have had a much...better presentation...
and...for that...I am truly sorry....
They...Deserved....More...from me...
I underestimated...The Antiquers....and their this...Old Stuff...
I had...mainly Bigs....Thankfully...Mark...had Smalls...
So...our booth did Very... well....
We Both....Cranked!
as....did....I think...Everyone!
Thank You...again... You!
Barb C.
{I found my we were loading was buried in the cab of the Fuso....oh dear...}


summersundays-jw said...

I think I've become a real sissy....too much time in AC!!! Just can't take the heat anymore. Glad you had a good show. Stay cool! Jan

Simply Iowa said...

Hmmm...I don't think you all...
But...we get used to the air...and it's hard to go into the heat...
My Mom...lived indoors...and always had the air...cranked down....Dad would come in at night...after working in the heat all day...and be blankets...
I try and stay out of the much as I can... just because...ya never know... when you may Have to be in the heat...
Love to Ya!
Barb C.