Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Yard Work...Deliveries... another Day...

I Cut...and Trimmed Trees... yesterday...
then...late in the day...delivered an Old Cupboard...to a Sweet Friend...
After we got it upstairs....
I sat...and visited...
Admired...her Lovely...Home...
Filled with so many of my 'Old Friends'...
My friend...looked at me...and said...I seem....down...
Tired... just...tired....I said...
When I got home... I traded vehicals...and jumped in Jethro... to get John's Pizza....
It's such a treat...to drive Jethro...and Sally....
even...if it's only for 5 minutes...
it's my Therapy... I guess...
While waiting for the pizza...the Cook came out...I had seen him, many times before...and I was sure...he was an Old School Friend..of Son, Justin's...
I asked him his name... and...sure enough... he was...
I said..."You Boys... have grown up...way too fast! Hows Life for you...these days?"
His reply...
"It's been better....my Mom...was killed a few weeks ago...in an accident....she was way too young"....
I was stunned.... I looked into his eyes....I know that look...I have seen it...in the mirror...many times....
It was a 'Lost'...empty...look...
an 'Orphaned'...look...
You see... You are someones....Baby...if you are an infant...or 90...
Tho...Trent...is in his 20's... I still see him...as a Little Boy...
as I see my own, Children....especially...when they are hurting....
I was Heart Broken... for him...
and...so Angry...with myself....I didn't know....
They are neighbors...and...I should have known this...
But...I was soooo Busy... with my work...it happened, while I was trying to pull the sale together...I never connected the dots....
I pulled this wonderful...vintage....Mad Hatter...style,  chair....from the house... I know...the cats would ruin it... it's for sale...in the shop...or...I'd be fine...if nobody likes it...it's Welcome to live Down The Rabbit Hole......forever...
My mind...raced...to find...words...of comfort....for him...
I shared with him...the Loss...of my Dad...when I was in my early 20's...and how I think of him...every day...
and The Comfort...I have...knowing...in my Heart...we will All...be together...one day...
When I got home...I couldn't stop thinking... how so many things... get in the way...of The Important..."Things"...in life...
and...how...I need to make some changes...
My Prayers...go to Trent...his Family...and the other folks...who are Hurting...that were involved...in the accident...
Sometimes...'The Journey'...is a Rough...and Rocky...Road....
Thankfully...we Never...Walk it...alone....
Love...to You...
Barb C.