Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I Did My Best... But The Mad Hatter Came Out, in Me....

Oooh.... I did my best... Wrote my very best, professional letter... so, as to not get off track, with an emotional outburst.... Ooooh... I almost made it..... { I get quite passionate, when the object in jeopardy, concerns a loved one, an animal, or something we have worked our selves to death for...and especially what is 'right'... it's an American thing...} I wasn't going to bring up the word 'encroach'... but, after being belittled, by one of the council members... well... all bets were off...{ Have I ever mentioned... at the Very Top, of my priority list, Stands, the Word... 'RESPECT'... it costs nothing, yet... is priceless...I do my best, to give it... and when I'm on the receiving end, of the opposite... Well... Meet The Mad Hatter, Baby....oooh boy....} You would have been proud of me, tho... I didn't say one naughty word...{I still can't believe it... Angels... Angels...} I am a vocalist... used to sing in a band, and at weddings... so I have a pretty good set of pipes... As the Councilman, rolled out his sarcasm, and smirk... I sat there, and listened, 'til he was finished....{ I could feel the Mad Hatter, emerging from somewhere deep in my soul... oh my... I blew... very quickly, and precisely...Eyes locked on his... I wasn't backing down.... and my pipes were singin! I repeatedly called him 'Sir', and stayed on track.... pointed, and respectful...{just a little on the 'loud' side....I didn't know I could talk that fast... and, get my point across, without taking a breath! I think all of the council's hair, was blown back a bit... It was a good thing I brushed my teeth, before I went}....I'll be attending more meetings...{ just to make sure, this proposal goes through, correctly... 2 more readings....}In my Mad Hatter siege, I said, "you folks would never see me... if you wouldn't threaten our way of life... a simple way... live, and let live...all we want to do is work, pay our bills, and breathe"....I think that's when the word 'encroach' slipped out... well, was fired out...like 'buck shot', out of a 12 gauge... oh my.... I was assured, our property is 'grandfathered in'....Well... what about everyone else... I say, if you own property, it's yours to the property line.... Period....{ thankfully, a dear friend of mine is on the council... she is a very calm, and sensible woman... and kept me from doing further damage...} Bless her heart....Thanks to everyone, for sending Angels... I know it was them, that kept me from jumping over the council's table... They all said, it sure was a good thing, I read that newsletter...{ I'm sure they meant it....} I told them, twice... it was the Hand of God, that brought it to my attention... I truly believe that...
I do Love this town... Good people... trying to keep everyone happy... I told them, they really should keep in mind, this is a small town... that's what makes it attractive, to so many...Maybe they should work on keeping it that way...
Oh well... back to 'life'... I hate confrontation...{ I have been 'churning' for 48 hours...} But... I would hate myself, if I stood by, and didn't protect our Livelihood... Some of the folks in town, who have always thought I was 'Mad', now know it as 'fact'... Oh well... like Alice says...
all the best people are...
Barb C.


Gatherings said...

Way to go girl. Sometimes keeping your cool is well worth it. Glad it went well and you can move on! W

Betty G said...

Oh honey-I am so proud of you for standing on your principles. And I know those angels were right there standing with you. Love the Mad Hatter about you. YOu go, Girl! :) Luv~Betty