Thursday, May 13, 2010

Takin' it Easy...

{This is an image of a tripunto quilt... it is amazing... all in silk...all the quilted pieces are stuffed with rolled up, very tightly fragments of pulled cotton, so the pattern appears 'puffed'.... Someday, I will tell you a very, very sad story, concerning this beauty... but, not today... there was a lesson, to be taught by this mid 1800's, piece of art... I will never forget....}
I worked in the shop, today... doing very little... Back issues... I feel like an old crip... Hit a few sales, city wide, here in Fairfax.... Found a few treasures, and met some nice folks... It's sooo cold, and damp... I felt so sorry for everyone having their sale today... Yuk... The lawn is getting completely out of hand, and it's way too wet, to do a thing about it! { Peg is going to have a fit, when she comes here, to help with the sale....} I have a load on the truck... it's gonna stay there, 'til morn... Hopefully, I'll be able to move, by then! I'm gonna get my feet up, and rest...
Have a Wonderful Evening!
Barb C.


summersundays-jw said...

Hope your back is better tonight. I just don't understand why God allows it to rain on Thurs. & Fri. when he knows there are garage sales. Have a good weekend. Jan

Shelley Haganman said...

Barb, I hope your back gets better soon! Just wondering if I you are open Saturday? I'd like to stop by and look and also take some photos?