Tuesday, May 11, 2010

...I Gotta Tell Ya....

After a day, bringin on the rain, yesterday, until I finally made sense of it, or put the crud behind me... and read the Word, the message intended for me, yesterday, that I should have read first thing... I decided this morning, I wouldn't make that mistake today, and picked up my book, and turned to August 2nd....
I gotta tell ya... I don't ever remember reading this...{ I know I have... but it takes on a different meaning, with every situation....}
{ Most of you know, I'm not a 'Holy Roller', profanity has rolled off my tongue, when I least expect it to... I like to have a few Marg's, when I'm out and about, and I just recently quit smoking... so... an Angel, I aint....}
But... The Mad Hatter, or the description of his character, I am...Especially the part of wearing his emotions, very close to the surface...{a bit 'mad' and unpredictable, I guess that fits too...} oh well...
Here is what I read...{ a portion of it}
I will turn all my mountains into roads. { Isaiah 49:11}
God will make our obstacles serve His purposes. We all have mountains in our lives, and often they are people and things that threaten to block the progress of our spiritual life. The obstacles may be untruths told about us; a difficult occupation; " a thorn in {the} flesh"{2 Cor. 12.7}; or our daily cross. And often we pray for their removal, for we tend to think that if only these were removed, we would live a more tender, pure, and holy life.
"How foolish you are, and how slow of heart...!"{Luke 24:25}.
The purpose of our trials is not only to test our worthiness but also to increase it, just as the mighty oak is tested by the storms as well as strengthened by them.
I just need to be reminded, sometimes... Get running so fast, trying to stay ahead of the 'steam roller', and forget to put God first...and, be thankful, for all the obstacles in my path...Instead of reacting immediately.... sit back, take a deep breath, stay focused...{ I'm also a Taurus...trusting, docile, land lover... til a red flag is waved in front of my brow... Oh my... anyone who knows me, knows this will take a lotta Faith... Whew.... I'm workin' on it....
The phone just rang...An old friend, who's been going through his own, misery, is coming to visit... He has climbed many Mountains... and fallen.... but, he always seems to climb again... He worries me, a little... He's taken a pretty nasty fall, this time...Think I'll share my message with him, today...
Turn that Mountain, into a Road....
Barb C.
{I'm working on the Shop, today... Cold and rainy out... Lots of fun stuff coming in, and I'll be setting displays... I love it.. it's like falling down the rabbit hole, spinning and spinning... almost like spinning a web... down to the tiniest detail... Just getting lost in the wonderful old treasures, that truly find their voice, when allowed to sing...}

1 comment:

butterflykisses said...

This is so true..... Like you I'm also a Taurus and alot of times I act like a bull when I feel as though things are not the way I planned!!!
