Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunday Mornin' Comin' Down...

Last day of the show... We had a good crowd, yesterday, and did o.k. No record sales, but that's o.k. Had a great time, saw some good friends, and had lots of laughs! I have to make some decisions, today, on a couple of things I am thinkin' about purchasing... Liz and Nick, are coming up, to help load out, so that should be pretty fast! I'm pretty worn out, so tomorrow, I'll be taking the day off! I think everyone is having a good show... Wish I would have taken more stuff! { But, I always say that!} We had lots of good comments, on the booth, and it's lookin' pretty slim, so that's good! Time is slippin' away... and Mark will be here soon, to pick me up... It takes us about an hour, and 15 minutes, to get to the show... So I'll be on my way!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
{ I just called Mark... I think 'Sunday Mornin' has come down, a little 'hard', on him too... He was supposed to be here, by now... and he said he's runnin' a little late... { he sounded like he had just woken up...} Mark said he'd be here in 10 or 15 minutes...hmmm... maybe I'll drive, today...}
Barb C.


Kay said...

It was great to see you! Your booth by far was the best display! I could pick it out clear on the other side of the show. :) Thank you so much for the treasure, the kids loved it. :)

Cottage Panache said...

Barb, sounds like you need a good rest. Sometimes I wish I could do the show scene again ~ but I can barely find the energy to get to the shop on the days that I am open! Still love it when I get there though! What would we do if we didn't do what we are doing! LOL